He asks you out- Louis

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It's a cold winter day and you're having a lazy day. You're watching Christmas movies when you hear your phone go off. "HEY Y/N!! I was wondering if you wanted to meet my reindeer." You laugh at his energy and reply; sure but isn't the North Pole a little far?" He replys; no they're in my backyard. You sigh happily and go get ready once you're all done getting ready you head to his house. When you get there you can tell he LOVES Christmas. Just as your about to knock on the door , it opens to reveal a Louis with a Santa hat. He pulls you inside and leads you to his backyard. There stands eight plastic reindeer. When you turn around in lights is ; will you be my girlfriend? I smile and say, yes you goofball. With that we go inside and have some cookies and hot chocolate ❄️⛄️

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