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(Edited : 8/8/21)

Narcissa's POV:

'Mum, Dad I want to introduce you to someone.' said Draco. Lucius and I got attentive because it was a rare thing Draco introduced us to someone. 'Who is it honey?' asked  Lucius. We could tell that Draco was nervous.

'Uh... Harry!' Draco called the name. "Harry" I've heard this name before...... Before I could remember the "Harry", he appeared. 'Harry? You are Lilly's son right?' Lucius asked.

"Uh..let's do the quick intro shall we? My name is Harry Potter. I'm 18. I'm Lilly and James Potter's son and your son's boyfriend. DING!' Harry quickly said this all and by the time he was finished I and Lucius were surprised at the boy's boldness and Draco. Well he was blushing madly. 'So you both are in a relationship?' I asked. 'Yeah' said Draco, he was talking like he's about to cry. Does he think we will not allow his relationship? 'So Harry should be eating with us, shouldn't he. We will get to know him better' I said and smiled. Seeing my and Lucius's smile, Draco relaxed. And maybe Harry got relieved too but he was hiding it good. 'Draco, come on then help me set the table.' I asked Draco. And Draco happily skipped with me. 'You know that if-' 'Yes I know that if I hurt him, you'll shred me to pieces, blah-blah-blah' completed Harry. 'Well I was going to say that if you are going to date Draco, then you are never right. He has got his stubbornness from his mother. So whatever happens you will be the one who'll end up saying sorry" said Lucius. And so Harry got advices on relationships by the experienced Lucius Malfoy.

4 Years Later

Third POV:

'Hi lilly.' said Draco while kissing Lilly on the cheek. 'Hello Draco.' said Lilly. 'Where's Anna?' 'Oh Anna is being dressed by a maid, I am taking her to one of the play dates' 'Oh! And where's Harry?' 'Oh, he's upstairs' 'Thanks. ba bye'.

Draco was walking in a corridor when hands came up behind him, shutting his mouth and grabbing his waist. The hands pulled him flushed against a body and the person behind him whispered in his ear. 'Hey beautiful! I want to show you something so I'm about to close your eyes. Alright'. All Draco did was flush and nod.

Soon there was a ribbon on his eyes and hands on his waist that were leading him somewhere. 'Harry where are we going?' 'Shhhhh' was the only reply he got. Suddenly Draco stopped. The hands on his waist and the chest on his back were gone. 'Open your eyes'. Draco untied the ribbon on his eyes and slowly opened his eyes. A gasp left from  Draco's lips on what he saw.

There he was, Harry sitting on one knee with a velvet box in his hand. Apparently everyone knew because everyone was there. Draco's parents, Harry's parents, Harry's and Draco's friends and they all were wearing excited expressions. 'Will you, Draco Malfoy, the cute blonde babysitter, would like to be my, Harry Potter, the town's handsome jock's, actually not anymore but still, wife?' said Harry revealing the ring in the box

 'Will you, Draco Malfoy, the cute blonde babysitter, would like to be my, Harry Potter, the town's handsome jock's, actually not anymore but still, wife?' said Harry revealing the ring in the box

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