5. Dear Laugh Song

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Time seemed to have frozen for a moment. Siyeon was waiting alone on the balcony; her heart pounding. She could feel the pulsations acting upon her lips. The face crawled into her two arms, the young woman was leaning on the black sculpted guardrail. Soon, she stopped hearing the loud music escaping from inside the apartment. She let herself be absorbed by the spectacle before her eyes. Everything was so peaceful at night. The wind blew; her skin shivered. There were so many stars up above her head. For each stellar shine, a soul had been taken away from this world. She wondered how many people were watching over her. Had she met any of them in her previous lives? And what about in this one? She took some time to quietly express her gratitude towards their guiding lights.

"I know you did a lot for me already, but please don't let me down tonight either." The 24-years-old murmured, her hands joined together.

Siyeon opened her pair of eyes as if it was the first time she was going to see the world. Her candid gaze danced over the horizon. There was something special about Seoul and its summer nights. The city was plunged into darkness but the humidity at night was rising. There was no sun to warm up the atmosphere but the temperatures weren't decreasing. The weather was suffocating at times, but whenever winter came, you wished it had never gone away. The world, she thought, was truly fascinating.

"시연이 괜찮아?"
tr: Siyeonie, are you alright?

Siyeon rapidly turned around. Sua was waiting for her at the patio door, a foot closer to her girlfriend than the rest of the festivities. She was irradiating joy and fulfillment; it seemed impossible to remove the bright smile the woman was displaying on her face since the party had started. The youngest walked to the open arms of her interlocutor. She let her chin rest on top of the shorter woman's head. Two forearms strengthened around her hips. Sua swathed Siyeon tightly and held her against her petite figure. She was melting in her embrace. Without realizing it, they were gently moving, at the same slow pace.

"Are we dancing?" Sua asked, releasing her head from the chest of her lover, amused.

"I don't know what we are doing!" Siyeon laughed.

"난 지금 좋아해요."
tr: right now I like it.

"나도 좋아! ㅋㅋ"
tr: me too (I like it)! haha

Siyeon ran her left hand through Sua's beautiful brown hair that she had curled for the occasion. Her girlfriend's glittering make-up caught her attention. It was magnetic; a hundred golden wet flares were reflecting on her exquisite visage, subjected to the moon. The young woman bit her lower lip. She felt the beat inside her chest accelerating just by staring for too long. Her mind wiped out its content; feelings were coming stronger, overflowing almost. Sua nudged closer to the young woman in front of her. Her fingertips spread across the lower edge of her jaw. With a soft caress, the distance between them disappeared. She laid her upper lip on top of hers, patiently waiting for Siyeon to unlock her edges. They breathed in unison; the red gates of her mouth had opened. As an answer, the black-haired girl cuddled up to her lover, letting her tongue slip out of her oral cavity. Slowly. Steadily. Their movements ensured that desire was rising. There was no need to race up their kisses. Love demanded persistence; they could not ruin it, damage its surface, by rushing the course of events. They had to build up their own history to express how indescribable the ride of their mouths was; how lethal the beautiful collision of their worlds hit, in the gentlest chaotic way. Sensations – the unheard-of kind– were taking possession of their bodies. Siyeon rediscovered the unsullied neck of her girlfriend. She pressed her lips onto Sua's smooth flesh, not leaving any room for the air to escape. Soon enough, she sucked the moist area, inflaming her lover's sensitivity. Sua moaned at the titillating sensation left on her neck, as she retrieved Siyeon's mouth for her own. It felt as if a thousand burning candles were melting on their bare skins. Wax of devilish colors was solidifying in an instant, at the first drop landing on their limbs. The heat was truly awakening.

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