Last Peaceful Day

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I'm late already, what's the point of going to school at all? Zara thought to herself. "ZARA WAKE UP!! you have 15 minutes till your bus arrives." yelled her mother at the top of her lungs.

Zara was a typical teenager, 18 years old and today was her big high school play and nervousness was the only emotion that she wasn't feeling. She was a complex person to begin with but with time she developed bipolarity. Some days she would be on top of the world driven by all the positivity and the motivation to achieve anything she put her head to and on other days she could barely pull herself out of the bed.

After being yelled at by her mother she pulled herself out of the bed and she was already feeling the air getting heavier on her. She look at herself in the mirror and gave herself a pep talk. "Listen here you little shit, don't mess this up. It's your first show and you have to give your best performance because the fact that you landed this role is a miracle now woman up and go to school." she whispered to herself in the mirror while brushing her long brown, luscious hair.

She got ready and she wore her favorite little black and white polka dotted dress. She was originally from Bangladesh and so she had olive skin reflected yellow in the sunlight, and her eyes were the most attractive feature on her face, they were dark brown and hypnotic that looked hazel when the light hit it. A smile that would brighten up her entire face. She was famous for her rebellious personality and her obnoxious laugh. People usually came to her when they were in need of a favor since she had this quality where people listened to her.

After she got ready for school she rushed out of her room, went into the dining room where her mother and sister were have breakfast and gave them a quick peck on the cheek as a goodbye. "Zara please have breakfast, and don't you have that big play today?" asked her mother, Ms.Raina Khan. "Mom, I'm really late I need to hurry or I'll miss the bus." Zara said while running out the door.

Zara ran to the staircase and up to the 7th floor where her best friend, Siara lived. She was just about to bang on the door but before she could Siara's mother, Ms.Sona opened the door with a smile. "Sweetheart why are you so early today?" she said sarcastically. Ms.Sona was like a second mother to Zara. Siara and Zara were like sisters, they were the best of friends who were inseparable and so were their mothers. You could say that they were one big happy family. Siara was a very supportive friend to Zara. She was always positive, bubbly and was the kind of person who could never say no to anybody. Siara couldn't hurt a fly. She was a very attractive and beautiful african american girl with a smile that could brighten up anybody's day. Her skin was flawless with not a spot at sight. She was famous for her kind heart and perfect ass.

Ms. Sona invited Zara in to wait but she was getting more and more impatient with every passing second. Soon Siara ran down the hallway and said "LETS GO WE ARE LATE!". Zara kept her sarcastic reply to herself and they ran to the elevator. Zara had her big play and well Siara had to meet up with one of her boyfriends. The bus was about to leave but they caught it in time. They walked all the way to the back of the bus where they usually sat and while Siara was asking people if she could sit, Zara looked at two people on a seat and they emptied the seat right away for them. That was what was special about her, her stare. It could intimidate people, and sometimes even make them fall for her.

"Why can't you be a little nice?" asked Siara. "I didn't even say anything, they just offered us a sweet." Zara said as she smiled, looking innocent which she was the opposite of. Siara took off her skinny jeans on the bus and kept on the tiny dress she was wearing..thank god. Her mother was quite conservative so there were many things Siara had to fight harder for compared to the other kids, but she always knew that she had Zara's support no matter what. Zara was distracted and when she saw Siara with her tiny dress and opened curly hair she was shocked for a bit. "WHOA!! how and when did you do that?" She asked with a surprised look on her face. "Umm...when you were planning on your next murder." She giggled. Zara rolled eyes but all she could think about was how excited she was about her play. The bus arrived at the school and they made their way to their lockers.

It was a mediocre day at school. After lunch Zara had to report to the auditorium for the final rehearsals. She enjoyed this part the most, the part where everyone is setting up the stage, the actors are getting into their costumes and morphing into the characters that they are playing. It was indeed a magical process. The stage doesn't remain a stage after this, it turns into a whole new world for the performers. Zara was always the fastest one to get ready and afterwards she would help the crew with whatever they needed, she would help the other actors with their makeup and costumes and even run lines with them last minute. Performing on stage as a different character never made her feel out of herself, in fact it is what made her feel like herself the most. Her acting was admired by her teachers as it always seemed so natural and effortless. She was an asset to the school's drama department.

Soon it was show time. Zara's time to shine. She peeked through the door backstage where she could see the people in the audience. She was anxiously looking around for her mother as she wanted her to see her first big play. She spotted Siara, her mother, Ms.Sona and her younger sister Ayesha sitting in the center row and she knew they were going to have the greatest time seeing her in action and they were in her words "blessed" to witness something so extraordinary. Zara was somewhat conceited but she put it differently. She said that she was one of a kind and she knew it, so there was no harm in acknowledging it.

The lights were dimming down and that was her call to go on stage. The show ran smooth and it was a huge success. After the play Zara was ecstatic, she received many compliments from her teachers, the principal and even some of the parents appreciated her acting. She changed out of the costume backstage and made her way into the gym lobby where her family was waiting for her. She saw her mother and embraced her with a hug. "I am so proud of you, you were excellent out there my little drama queen." Her mother smiled. She looked to Ms. Sona, Siara and Ayesha who were looking at her with a huge smile and pride, they embraced her with hugs and congratulated her.

To celebrate this successful event, Zara, Siara and the family decided to have dinner outside. It was a beautiful day for Zara, everything went smoothly, perhaps a little too smoothly. That night Zara went to bed feeling content and at peace. Little did she know, it may have been the last day that she felt at peace. Something bigger and darker was waiting for her that would drown her completely before she knew it.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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