Catching up with Old friends

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Today was a free schedule for Kirika. The boys had already planned on spending their free day sleeping in and eating take out like any normal cliche college student. However, Kirika was the only one who actually made plans on this day. She along with her close friend, Jihyo of TWICE were to meet some old friends of theirs from middle school.

The only thing she dreaded about this meet up was a girl by the name of Daeun. She wasn't the greatest friend, always taking the boys Kirika found cute and spreading small rumours of the girl throughout their high school years. Both Kirika and Jihyo had dropped her after entering high school as they were busy with training.

Kirika sighed and linked her arm with Jihyo's, her eyes gazing down at her feet as they walked over to the cafe where they planned to meet. "Do you think she's changed?" the Japanese female whispered to her best friend as they quietly entered the cafe.

Jihyo gave her a small sad hum. "I don't want her to be," she sighed when she noticed the girl sitting across from their old middle school friends. "But I guess we'll have to perseverance it Rika."

With a small sigh, Kirika glanced up and plastered on a small smile as both she and Jihyo approached the group. "Hey guys!" she said in a somewhat cheery voice, hugging all the girls but Daeun who gave her a weird eye.

"Kyunghee~" Daeun greeted with a sickly sweet smile as Kirika sat down between one of her friends and Jihyo, glancing at the female who wore an expensive dress. "It's been so long~ How have you been? Still screwing around to pay off your debt?" she asked innocently, taking a sip of her drink as she glanced at the singer.

Kirika let out a distorted sigh, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them and smiling at Daeun. "I see you're still as mean as ever," she cleared her throat. "And I was never in debt for anything. I was just simply working to pay for the rent of my home," she cleared.

"Speaking of work, how's being an idol?" one of their friends asked, holding Kirika's arm as she shoulder nudged the female. "Any cute guys sliding into your DMs?"

Kirika let out a small laugh. "No, no guys but Jihyo has a guy," the Japanese female wriggled her eyebrows at her best friend who shoved her, making her friends but Daeun laugh. "Being an idol is so surreal, I'm so excited for our future," she smiled.

"Well I've been travelling with my boyfriend," Daeun sighed dreamily, thinking about the older man, her head in her bedazzled hands and smiled, glancing somewhere else. "You know what, he just bought me a new gucci bag for $4,770!" she exclaimed, squirming in her chair.

"That's um, great," Jihyo mumbled.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought we would talk about our boyfriends," Daeun smirked at Kirika. "But wait, you don't have one do you Kirika?"

Kirika shook her head. "No, I have a dating ban in my contract since I'm still a rookie. If I did end up breaking that rule, I'd probably tell my CEO automate and take whatever consequences are given," she gave a genuine smile before turning to face her friend to continue their conversation.

The entire time, Daeun tried one-upping Kirika in everything, only to have their friends care more about Kirika's hard work and talents whereas Daeun was glaring at the female.

"Well, it was nice seeing you girls again," Jihyo smiled, linking arms with Kirika, waving goodbye to the group. "See you next time!" the two walked off.

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