The Beginning

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I never thought it would come to this. The day they all begged for forgiveness, for relief. They all call me an angel, the angel of sin, but you probably know me as the angel of death. Lost souls with so much grief end up dying because of their own doubt and greed, they come to me begging to set them free of the darkness that ends up consuming them. Will I let them escape? No.

My story began in a small town. We were a happy family but while happiness is a lovely thing it can often lead to sorrow. Now let's go back so you can understand.

"ANGELIA!" My little brother, Seth screamed. He was a short little boy for his age, he had short curly blond hair kissed with the glowing sunlight. His eyes shining as if they were the shimmering sea itself. "We're going to miss the festival! He said frustration dusting his features, his little fingers latched onto my boney arm, "Hurry up!"

Now let me explain, the festival as we called it definitely wasn't what you're thinking. There was no carnival rides, games, or treats. This was a war, some call it a fighting festival, but it was definitely not fun. Trust me.

"I'm coming, calm yourself'' my soft voice was heard.

"But Angelia!" he whined. "You have to compete this year, your fifteen remember." He continued to yank my arm so hard I feared it was going to come out of its socket.

"Oh crap you're right!" I said, my eyes widening, "Come on we've got to go!" I screeched as I grabbed my poor twelve year old brother, threw him across my shoulder and bolted towards town square. How could I have been so careless. They'll lock us in the dungeon if I don't participate. I let my brother down and grabbed his precious hand and we kept on running through the trillions of people, tumbling through the various color filled stands marketers set up for the 'festival'. Each one was filled with baked goods, clothing, or various sheets of fabric and beautiful silks looking like a rainbow barfed on each sheet.

I wish we could afford a single piece of decent clothing. I thought looking down at the tattered piece of cloth I call clothes. The light brown garment was filled with dark musky stains, it hugged my body due to its tiny size. I was so caught up in my thinking that I literally ran into something, letting go of my brother's small soft hand, and falling down on top of a firm chest.

"S-sorry" I stuttered. Why did I stutter?

"It's fine" he groaned out. I then realized I was still on top of him, I stood up faster than I fell, almost tripping over my own feet. I felt a burning heat rise to my cheeks as I saw him and became almost feverish. He was tall, he had straight dirty blond hair and deep emerald green eyes that shimmered in the midday sun. He was pretty cu- Don't you dare even think about finishing that sentence. Get a hold of yourself Angelia! I thought as I mentally slapped myself.

I finally got a hold of myself and offered him a hand. He took it grateful, and pulled himself up. Dang that dude has a strong grip, I thought as I again fell into him due to his superhuman strength.

Now this is what we call love at first sight right? It's the whole lovely love story meeting! Well the story isn't over just yet.

He caught me this time and I could practically feel him smirking at me. "Clumsy there aren't we?" he chuckled. His voice was a sweet silky, smooth yet it was raspy and deep at the same time. It was like honey with a kick of jalapeno pepper near the end.

"Ding, dong, clank!" I heard the bells chime indicating the 'festival' was about to start.

"Crap" we both said under our breaths. I grabbed Seth by the hand, smiled at the mysterious boy and started to fast walk around the crowds of people. I looked back at the boy but he was already long gone.

We finally got to the town square where the festival, or massacre, was held every year, stealing the life, laughter, and love from the townspeople's hearts. They began to announce the first fight of the evening. It was set up in a big arena with dark cobblestone stands towering endlessly over the withering black trees that served almost no purpose but to pollute the area with a deathly, gloomy haze. The place was darkened, where once filled with joyous laughter and harmless conversations, now there was a destination for failure and joy of the idea of death.

A stubby man in a royal purple cape stood in front of the crowd, his voice like broken nails on a chalkboard, high and screechy to the point where you wish you were born deaf. "Today is what we have all waited for, a day to find this generation's successor. The rest? All of the failures will be executed by morning." He was reading off the kings writing, a small but noticeable frown decorated his chapped lips. "Let's see who's life will be taken first." 

This is my first story so I hope you like it! I'm open to ideas, so please tell me what you think!

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