Chapter One- The New.......Student

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'It had roughly been a day and a half since Weiss got the call that her brother's final surgery was done, while she was in better spirits she was still clear bumbed out'

'She had hardly noticed the buzz that had gone around the school, but she had told her team why she was exactly so upset'

Ruby: " bad was it?" 'Ruby asks with a hesitant tone in her voice'

Weiss: "Bad. Bad enough for him to need to be placed in a suspension tank" 'Weiss says crossing her arms'

Yang: "Arent those things that like hold you under water when you're stringed up to life support machines?" 'Yang asks in confusion'

Weiss: "Yes they are, I didnt get to see how bad it was. But he apparently lost one arm and half of the other. Along with his lower half" 'Weiss says in a somber tone'

Blake: "And he lived?" 'Blake says in a surprised tone, turning to Weiss'

Weiss: "Yeah, knowing him he probably lived out of spite for whoever it was that did it to him" 'Weiss says with a light chuckle'

Ruby: "Okay I'm confused. I thought you hated your little brother" 'Ruby says shaking her head'

Weiss: "Yeah, I hate Whitley. Not Batair, he was more of a little brother then my own flesh and blood was" 'Weiss explains earning a look of realization across her team'

Yang: "Huh, didnt know you had an adoptive brother" 'Yang says with a chuckle'

Weiss: "That's because my father refuses to admit he is legally part of the family. Even if he has proved himself time and time again" 'Weiss says with a hint of aggravation in her voice'

Ruby: "What do you mean "Proved himself" 'Ruby asks using air quotes'

Weiss: "Batair was always....different, even when he was little. Now we know that it's because of his semblance. By the time he was ten years old he was setting records in the atlesian academy" 'Weiss says with a chuckle, a tone of pride evident in her voice'

Ruby: "Oooh stories!" 'Ruby says clapping her hands excitedly'

Weiss: "He set an entirely new record for combat when he was twelve" 'Weiss says gaining Yangs attention'

Yang: "What was the record for?" 'Yang asks curiously, uncrossing her arms'

Weiss: "He set the record for the most amount of strikes in a single second. His record the last I heard was eight strikes per second" 'Weiss says earning a whistle from Ruby'

Yang: "Not gonna lie that's pretty sick" 'Yang says with a chuckle, her sister nodding absentmindedly'

Blake: "Whoever taught him must have been quite skilled in combat" 'Blake says earning a proud grin from Weiss'

Weiss: "Well actually I was the one who taught him how to use a sword. Any other skills he attained were self taught" 'Weiss says proudly, placing a hand on her chest. She was always overly dramatic'

Ruby: "Oh! That reminds me! There's supposed to be a new student coming into Beacon!" 'Ruby says excitedly, earning a confused look from Weiss'

Weiss: "I thought you could only get in if you passed the initiation" 'Weiss says crossing her arms'

Blake: "Apparently whoever it is was invited personally from Ozpin" 'Blake says earning a hum from Weiss'

Weiss: "Then its likley they'll have deserved late enrty" 'Weiss says in understanding'

'The group was interrupted by a knock at the door, causing them to go silent before Ruby stands up, going to the door'

'Upon opening the door Ruby finds Ozpin on the other side'

Ozpin: "Hello Ruby" 'Ozpin says with his usual calm demeanor'

Ruby: "Professor Ozpin! What uh....what can team Rwby do for you?" 'Ruby asks curiously'

Ozpin: "As I'm sure you've heard ther Will be a new student coming to the academy, i would like your team to show them around" 'Ozpin says earning an enthusiastic smile from Ruby'

Ruby: "You can count on us!" 'Ruby says giving Ozpin a thumbs up'

Ozpin: "I thought so, they should be here rather soon, I suggest you and your team go down to the landing pad in roughly an hour" 'Ozpin says before walking away, leaving Ruby to her teammates'

'Ruby turns to her teammates who are in varying states of boredom, a grin coming across her face'

Ruby: "To the landing platform!" 'Ruby says enthusiastically raising her hand'

'Eventually the team Rwby makes their way down to the landing platform, patiently waiting the arrival of the new student'

Weiss: "Wouldnt a Bullhead be here by now?" 'Weiss asks in confusion, placing a hand on her hip'

Ruby: "Maybe they're coming from far away!"

'The group was interrupted by a ship coming in to land, one that she had not expected to see'

'It was an executive Atlesian Bullhead, meant for carrying high value assets in luxury'

'As the Bullhead lands and its engines shut off, Weiss dusts herself off trying to make herself look as proper as possible to keep up appearances'

'As the back opens up a figure can be seen walking down the ramp wearing a black cloak along with a black helmet which seems to have glowing gold eyes'

"Ah, so you must be team Rwby then" 'The figure says politely, his slightly robotic voice taking them by surprise'

Ruby: "Yep! I'm the leader. My name is Ruby"

Yang: "Sup, I'm Yang"

Blake: "My name is Blake"

Weiss: "I-"

"It's good to see you again Weiss, it has been quite some time" 'The figure says cutting Weiss off. Earnings confused look from her'

Weiss: "I...know you?" 'Weiss says in confusion, earning a light chuckle from the figure'

"Right. You probably cant recognize me with this thing on. Sorry" 'the figure says with a chuckle as he reaches upto his helmet, showing him to have mechanical arms, rather strange looking ones too'

'His arms look as if they had armor plating on them, his fingers were oddly proportioned aswell. He had three fingers and one thumb on each side of his hands'

'Upon unsealing the helmet Weiss's eyes widen as he fully takes his helmet off, showing the face of someone she had not expected to see so soon'

Batair: "How have you been doing sister? Well I hope." 'Batair states, a light smile on his face'

'His face had patches of silver metal along the sides of it, his lower jaw seeming to have metal on it aswell'

Weiss: "I-I....y-you're here" 'Weiss says with a confused tone, slowly shifting to a more shaken one'

Batair: "Well it has almost been a year since I've seen you so I thought is should visi-"

'Batair was cut off by Weiss bringing the slightly shorter boy into a hug, earning a light metallic clang from him as she does so'

Weiss: "I'm so glad you're okay" 'Weiss says in a muffled tone of voice, earning a light smile from her younger brother as he returns the hug'

Batair: "I'm doing very well yes" 'Batair says in a light laugh'

*To Be Continued*

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