Chapter 28: Captured.

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Leon woke up from his dream. He took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down without waking Claire, but of course she woke up, looking at the man as he tried to process what he saw. The creatures, the woman smiling at them, the sudden transformation of himself. It was like the dream he had experienced before, only this time it seemed less of a dream and more like a warning... A warning of something that was going to happen. Something that he couldn't prevent.
"Leon? You want to talk about it?"
"I... I don't know. This one seemed... real."
"Aren't a couple of nightmares meant to feel real so you think they happen so you feel more relieved when you wake up?"
"Not in the way mine happened, Claire. I don't think they're ever meant to feel as though they've happened to you before..."
"Do you think it means anything?"
"I... I don't know. I hope it doesn't."
"Well... Let's hope it doesn't. I don't want nothing to happen to you yet."
"Wait... Yet? Are you planning my demise, Mrs Redfield?"
"Maybe? Maybe not?" The couple chuckled, pressing their warm bodies together, before Chris barged in, startling them.
"Early bird as always, Chris."
"When am I never not awake, Leon?"
"I don't know... when it's late at night maybe?"
"Oh good one you smart bastard. Now, get your asses up! Or I'm cooking."
"No way in hell are you doing that because the last time you cooked for me, you almost gave me food poisoning until I looked at the stake."
"Claire, that was like a year ago."
"It was actually six months ago, get your facts straight."
"Oh, whatever. Let's just eat."

The group of four ate at the dinner table, with Leon hiding how he really felt about his nightmare. He had baked them all breakfast, but had refused to make or eat his own, feeling nauseous and light headed. Claire kept glancing at him and when Jill and Chris went out, she stayed behind, noticing Leon was trying to avoid eye contact with her so as not to feel bad about her feeling like she had to stay home to look after her usually tough husband. 
"Why are you hiding it from them, Leon? They know you sometimes get horrible nightmares. If you think it means something, don't you think they should know?"
"Not now, Claire."
"Leon! Please, they have a right to know! They're your family!"
"I said not now, Claire! I... need some space."
"Leon... You know I want to help you. You know they will help you to feel safe. Hiding your fears from them won't solve anything!"
"Claire, you don't even know what I dreamt about. Just go out with them, enjoy the day whilst it's still young."
"I'm not leaving you here alone. I'm not that kind of person to leave someone so vulnerable, you should know me by now."
"Claire, please. I don't want your day out to be wrecked because of me. I'll feel bad. It's not fair on you to keep looking after my sorry ass."
"Leon, you know I don't mind it. I'd do anything for you and you know it."
"Well then do this for me. Go out. Don't stay here because I am not going out. We've planned this for weeks. You go do it. They're waiting for you. Go," He kissed her forehead, before staring into the brown haired girl's sea blue eyes as they diluted, "I'll see you later, okay?"
"Okay, fine. I'll bring you something back or I'll let you spoon me later. How does that sound?"
"Great. Now go out, go live your life whilst the day is young."
"Alright. Bye, L."
"Bye, C."

The grey creature watched as another person left the house, staring intently like a predator silently stalking it's prey. It watched as the vehicle holding the three people drove off, making the grey creature smile, but the navy creature snarled, getting ready to attack it. It growled at the navy, sending it the clear signal.
"Back. Down."
"No. He is in that vehicle. You don't control me. You are below me in the world." At this the grey creature snapped, pinning the navy to the roof they were on, snarling as they lifted their tail up, revealing a stinger. 
"Do you really want to feel the pain I could make you endure? Or are you going to do as your told and follow MY orders?"
"Alright, alright! Jesus... I hope they never put us on the same team when we finally build our army up."
"One day. But for now, whilst we are only two out of however many we could get, let's do what the people want. Get this man and let them turn him into one of us."
"How many do we need before we could get stable in our numbers?"
"I'd say three active breeding pairs at most. So we need six, not three."
"Huh. Oh, well. For now let's just get this person. What's his name again?"
"Leon Scott Kennedy. Well, now, Leon Scott Redfield."
"Cursed with a family burden, I see. Well, looks like the burden is here..."
"Shut up."

Leon sat in his bedroom, trying hard not to get scared at the slightest of sounds of the outside world. He didn't know why he was so freaked out. Dreams very rarely come true, right? So, what's the chance that-
The front door opened suddenly, making the man flinch before realising maybe the group of three had come back, due to Claire's insistence of it not being fair the man was home, alone and possible fighting his oncoming anxiety by himself.
"Claire, babe, I hate to sound demanding, but I don't want you here. I want you out there, enjoying the day-" He felt his back suddenly meet the floor as something jumped on him, knocking the wind clean out of him. He opened his eyes, seeing the thing he was scared of. The creature from his dream pinned him down by his chest, snarling at him. He stared as it lifted it's tail, before hesitating as it stared him in his eyes. The other creature, which was navy, snarled at the grey creature's sudden weakness, before raising it's own tail and injecting Leon with what he thought was poison but actually was sedative. He felt the effects immediately and before he could fight it, try to stay awake, he was out cold, the grey creature's face going from nervous and unsure to agitated and snarling as the navy pushed him. 

"What the hell was that about?"
"Shut up! We got him, didn't we?"
"You mean I got him. You hesitated. You truly are just as weak as they make you out to be. You can't even sedate your old brother. Who got you into this mess."
"Shut... up..." 
"Why should I? You work for this new team, you will respect their wishes. You will act them out."
"Unlike you, who seems to think they clearly know everything about combat. Good God, I'll be happy when we get back..."
"I'll carry him-."
"No. I'll carry him."  The grey creature lifted the now limp Leon and placed them into their mouth, making it expand to hold the male comfortably. Even if they were creatures doing their duty, they still had the heart to be as nice as they could to whoever they would hunt down. If they ever needed to hunt anyone down again...

"Ma'am the creatures are back. They've got him."
"Good. Tell them to take him to the room we have to spare. As soon as. We will begin his tests tomorrow, when he has woken up."
"Yes, Ma'am." The worker was dismissed as the leader walked away, leaving him to command the creature's to do their bidding. 

Claire couldn't stop thinking about Leon. Even as Chris pulled another joke, making her have to react again by putting on a fake laugh, Jill could tell she just wanted to go home.
"Alright you two. I think it's time to go home and take Leon his gift. Let's hope it isn't dead."
"Dude! We got that chameleon like two minutes ago."
"More like two hours ago..." Claire opened the box again, before picking up the male crested chameleon, watching as he wrapped his tail around her arm. She smiled, before picking up his box, carrying it along with the bag with his home inside. 
"Let's go. I can't wait to see Leon's reaction to his Chameleon!" The three got into the car, Claire sitting in the back with the Chameleon still on her arm. It had slowly began to move, crawling up her arm further, clearly wanting to explore. Since his movements were slow, she just let it happen. It was cute and he needed to get used to their faces. As they got closer and closer to their house, however, Claire felt something was off. There was a presence there that wasn't normal... It also didn't seem friendly. Claire got out the car, realising the front door was open. She'd shut it when she left the house... She was sure of it. 
"Jill... Something's wrong. The door's open. I shut it when I came out."
"Chris." She signalled to the man, motioning for him to go to the other side of the door frame. Once they were in position, both entered the house, searching the area. Claire walked in, following Jill closely and when they reached the hall in the upstairs area, they realised someone, more so something, had come when they had left.
"It must have been watching us... We... It was waiting for us to leave. It must have been..." Claire trailed off, looking at Jill as she felt herself begin to crumble. Once again, Leon had been took from her. She could have done something to stop it and... she didn't. She went out and was now paying the cost.
"Chris! Get your ass up here, right now!"
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Leon's... missing."

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