sugar cookies.

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"Holy shit!"

Jean and Marco were busy horsing around (a/n pun inteneded heheh) in the kitchen. They wanted to make Christmas cookies and were now in the process of measuring out their ingredients for their delicious little "sugar devils" as Marco had put it. The both of them had decided to boost their treats a little by adding in chocolate syrup, peaunt butter, sprinkles, and God-knows-what-else, including a "cinnamon-flavored special ingredient" Marco had added just a dash of.

You, however, were in the bathroom taking a gigantic dump. You were busy washing your hands when you heard a crash from the kitchen.

A split-second later, you were standing in the doorway, gaping at the mess of glass shards on the kitchen floor. The two idiots had managed to break three bowls. Great. However were you going to explain this your mother when she returned, you didn't know.

You looked at your two friends. They grinned sheepishly.

"Guys! Really? The fuck is all of this?" you cried.

"He did it!" the boys yelled simultaneously, jabbing each other in the shoulder.

"Fuck...just help me clean all of this up," you muttered, pinching the bridge of your nose all the way to the broom closet.

After five minutes of sweeping and bickering, you all were finished. Marco wandered off to put the brooms away as you and Jean rewashed your hands.

"You two are going to pay for those..." you grumbled, angrily scrubbing your fingernails.

"Me? I told you like a zillion times already, Marco did it!" he snapped back.

You humphed as you returned to the counter. The three of you continued measuring and tossing ingredients in a bowl.

"We need to get this creamy, thick, white goodness on some cookie sheets and into the oven! I'm starving!" you sang as you stirred the concoction.

Everything suddenly became eerily quiet. You turned around and saw that Jean and Marco were looking at each other and snickering quietly.

"What? What did I say?"

"...that's what she said..." Marco croaks before erupting into a full fit of laughter. Jean joined him and they both chortled at your poor choice of words.

You roll your eyes and begin scooping the dough onto the sheets. Marco and Jean calm themselves and begin helping you.

Before you knew it, the cookies were in the oven, making pleasant smells in the kitchen,

"So what do you guys wanna do now?" you ask, stretching.

"Let's watch a movie," Marco suggests.

"No! I wanna play Xbox!" Jean whines.

"Jean, stop being such a child. Since this is my house, plus the fact that you and Marco broke three bowls, I decide what we do. And I agree to Marco's suggestion, so I'll get out Final Destination." you said, smirking. You knew how much that movie irked and bothered the two of them, but it was payback for breaking your glassware.

They stiffened up a bit, but they seemed to catch their drift. Walking solemnly to the living room, they hung their heads and flopped onto the couch. You started the movie and crashed in between the two of them.

Halfway through the movie, you felt your eyelids drooping. Making cookies with your two friends had really worn you out, plus the scent of the cookies baking coming from the kitchen was making you ever so sleepy. Before you knew it, you had conked out.

Oddly enough, Jean was so engrossed into the movie (despite the fact that he hated it with a burning passion) that he didn't even notice you beginning to slump on his shoulder. That is, until he began to feel some extra weight on his left side that wasn't there before.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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