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Ciara suppose to be bringin J home today and I can't wait Cause I miss my lil vato. This nigga jayvon been at our house since that day we went to the Store and we been beefin ever since. "Yo jayvon let me holla at you for a minute." I said and he sighed and stood up,  followin me to the basement.  I sat down and he sat down next me.  I pulled out a blunt and lit it up.  "You smoke man?" I asked and he nodded. "Wanna hit this?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah" he said.  "Not!! The hell? Got me fucked up" I said mugging him. He smacked his lips and sighed. "What you gotta talk to me about man?" He asked. I blew the smoke out my mouth and looked at him. "Somethin must be wrong.  Why you been stayin here with us?" I asked.  He sighed and looked down. "I don't live with my pops nomore man. When he found out I was sellin dope he kicked me out.  Im still sellin but I needed a side job so I got a job at the store. When I got kicked out I ain't feel like lookin for no crib and my girl ain't got her house set up yet so I guessed that y'all woulda let me stay here since I'm family." He said and I nodded and stared at him with low eyes. "Aight man I understand whatchu goin through . I been doin this shit since I was 14 , been on my own since I was 14 and that's when I met yo sister and she changed my life,  well I changed hers and I guess you can say we changed eachothers.  In the game you gotta be careful son,  you gotta keep yo face clean when you bendin corners. I ain't new to this shit I'm true to this shit so I can tell when a nigga able and I can tell when a nigga trynna eat. I can see it in yo eyes you trynna eat,  that's my motto.  BITE.  You know what that stand for? It stand for bitch in trynna eat. EOS.  That stand for eat or starve.  SOD.  Survive or die. In this thing we call the game you gotta go by all that shit I just told you,  that's how I got where i am. If yo sister found out you doing the shit she use to do I swear shorty a be mad as hell.  This shit ain't easy Jay,  it ain't. I love you man. Be careful. You know if you need anything I got you man. We don't bleed the same blood but a nigga got you like you got me and that's word to mother" I said to jayvon and he smirked and laughed "I love you too man. Thanks.  But I got a question bro" he said.  "Shoot".  "What the hell ima do with 10 bags of  80k" he asked and I coughed.  "80k? Nigga you must be puttin in work young boy. That's grown man money.  Ain't you like 17?" I asked. "16 man." He said and I shook my head. "What you do when you got yo first k?" He asked and I stared at him. "Got me a crib , but I got help with that from my pops , Christian and Q. Then got me a car and thats it. Everything a young nigga need to survive." I said and he nodded. "So you mean to tell me Christian got more money then you" he asked.  "Hell yeah. This nigga slang,  his pops rich as hell. you know who this nigga dad is?"  I asked and he shook his head no. "diddy man. Meaning puffy that use to be down with biggy.  "I love it when you call me big poppa" biggy son. His dad got hella yayo" I said and his eyes got wide. "Damn man. No wonder why his house bigger then yours." I mugged him. "Anyways man. Think about what I told you" I said.  "I got you bro . Good looks man" he said dappin me up" we stood up and walked upstairs. When I was comin upstairs something ran into me. I looked down and it was J.  "Hi dad" he said huggin my legs. I smiled and picked him up. "Wassup man" I said kissin his cheek. "I missed you.  Why you leave me?" I asked and he looked at me with his eyes that looked just like mine. "I don't know dad." He said and I nodded.  "Well mommy got you something.  Well 2 presents" I said and he smiled.  "Coo" he said and I walked into the living room with him on my hip. We sat down and I put my leg up.  I seen J lookin at me and he tried to do the same thing but his legs was too short.  I decided to mess wit em a little. I put one arm up on the couch and he tried to do the same but his arm was too short. I seen he was gettin mad so I stopped. "Baby" I yelled to kiara.  "Yo" she yelled from upstairs.  "Come here" I yelled back and I heard her runnin down the stairs and that pissed me off. "Why the hell you runnin ma. Be careful" I said and she sighed. "Whatever.  Come here baby I missed you" she said to J and he ran over to her.  She picked him up and sat on the couch. "Mommy daddy said you have presents for me. Not one but two" he said smiling and I laughed.  "Yea I do how about daddy go get em " she said starin at me.  I sighed And walked down to the basement and picked up the car. I carried it upstairs.  "Jman cover yo eyes" I said.  "Okay daddy" he said and I brought it in the living room and sat it in front of him. "Aight lil man you can open them." When he opened his eyes his jaw dropped and he looked at me and kiara . "This for me?" He asked and we both nodded. "Thanks mommy. Love you" he yelled.  "Love you too shorty" . "so what's the other present" he asked. "Well... your gonna have a little brother or sister" kiara said and his eyes got wide. "Weally?" He asked and she nodded. "Yes!! That's solid. I can't wait" he said in his new York accent. "Me neither man." I said.  He climbed onto my lap and rested his head on my chest. Kiara laughed and walked into the kitchen. A few minutes later I looked down at J and he was sleep.  I swear this nigga look just like me.  Except I'm fully mexican , he part black. But this nigga look,  act,  sleep like me. He got the black curly hair,  green eyes, dimples. He act like me and he sleep like me. One hand on his head,  the other in his pants,  real nigga shit. This my lil homie foreal.  I love my pops so much, when my mom died he was the only person I had. He got me into alot of shit but it taught me alot.  Ima be a better dad for J though, he ain't gone never starve and that's a promise. I pray to God I see my son graduate and hopefully I get to see my son be a dad some day. I wanna give him the best Cause he deserve it. Him,  kiara and that lil baby in her stomach is all I live for. When I tell y'all I love this shit,  I REALLY love this shit. Y'all better know.

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