Chapter 1 New Friend

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New message from one_Direction_Infection

Hey, Lou how was your day?

How was my day? Well, I talked to Zayn and El but that was about it I guess people aren't as excited about one direction as me at uni. Oh, and I got an email about new housing for zayn, El, and I, something about a house on the Elite part of campus. I also have some new campus Tea, we are supposedly getting a famous new student, how exciting is that? But how should I know? Besides Zayn and El, you're my only friend Oliver, but my day was good how was yours?

Message sent to One_Direction_Infection

I set my phone down on the kitchen table as I looked for some cereal to snack on until Eleanor came back to cook dinner. I found a half-empty box of Lucky Charms and put them in a cup. With my cereal in hand, I grabbed my laptop and phone and sat on the couch in the living room. The first thing I checked was Twitter to see if Oliver messaged me back, we have been talking for about 10 months now. We first started following each other about two years ago, exchanging comments and likes for a year before we actually messaged each other.

One new message from One_Direction_Infection

My day was pretty good too and I had to work but when you love what you do it's not that hard. Do you know who the famous new student is? Are you going to take the new housing?

Oliver works for a merch company in LA which is where I live, but we haven't met yet. Our schedules just conflict too much and to be honest I'm still scared to meet him offline.

I think it's an Allstar cheerleader she has a pretty big following on her social media. It's Teagan Rae if you want to look her up. We probably will take the housing offer, these dorms are not cutting it for three people. Did you get any new clients today?

Message sent to One_Direction_Infection

After I messaged him back I went to check my email about housing. It's an offer to stay in the Elite housing division. The Elite is basically just big houses for students with high profiles that attend USC. We had a few notable people attending our school. Just last semester the summer's hottest blockbuster movie main character was in my Lit class.

I'm here for creative writing and because I have a footie scholarship. The only Elite one out of Eleanor, Zayn, and I is El; her mom was in a girl band back in the day and now she's a model. El's studying to become an actress and she's pretty good. She got offered a job as a beard for some popstar but they wouldn't tell her who it was unless she agreed to be the beard.

New message from One_Direction_Infection

Oh, I heard she was really good. I think my brother went to see her perform when she was last in town. From what Nixon said she was pretty nice so maybe you guys will become friends. You know I can't tell you who clients are until they release something for us to sell, but we have a new 5SOS hoodie on sale.

I think you're only telling me that because One Direction is one of the clients, but whatever be that way. I'll get to making her my friend when she gets here then, it seems like you're trying to get rid of me. Is the hoodie cute?

Message sent to One_Direction_Infection

I scrolled through my Twitter feed liking some tweets about One Direction and I tweeted about Harry Styles and all of his goodness. Then I checked my YouTube channel. It's still pretty small, only a few thousand views. I just mess around and post videos when I feel like it, some people like it though so I guess that's something. I think I might cover a One Direction song later this week, but right now all I'm going to do is watch Harry Styles being cute compilations; the man is a literal cupcake.

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