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feat. the boys wondering where atsuya was the whole time

atsuya whistled as he walked through the halls of the dorm (it's a mansion i swear), arms raised and crossed behind his head in a carefree way.

it was an understatement to say that atsuya was bored- he was very very bored.

as much as he wanted to go play soccer, their headquarters is currently under renovation, and playing soccer on the gardens (the only place in the dorm that's suitable for sports) is a big no no (he'll face your wrath if he disobeys).

he thought of going out to find a place where he can play freely but then again, atsuya was not only bored; he, too, was lazy.

atsuya could go hang out with the boys but unfortunately, they were all busy on their own- unlike him.

the only person left for him to bother was his loving (not), dedicated (not), and hardworking manager. which was you.

atsuya stopped in front of your office (no, more like study) with an evil grin. he was about to open the door when someone beat him to it.

"huh? atsuya?"

atsuya only blinked at you with lovestruck eyes.

staring at your plump small lips slightly agape and your fine brows raised, his eyes travelled to meet yours- the jewelled orbs that caught his interest (and his heart uwu) the first time it landed on him (staring at ur eyes makes atsuya f̶̶a̶̶l̶̶l̶ ̶i̶̶n̶ ̶l̶̶o̶̶v̶̶e̶ all over again aww).

"oi, earth to atsuya..." you waved in front of atsuya's face before raising your hand and planning to slap him, which made him flinch and snap back to (the harsh ;-;) reality. you froze before clearing your throat: "what's wrong? it's not like you to space out."

atsuya only swallowed, "i-i'm fine..." his stutter caught you off guard, "hmm... if you say so- wait, you're a bit red- perhaps you caught a cold?" atsuya widened his eyes and shook his head vigorously.

you squinted your eyes and leaned your forehead on top of atsuya's, "hey, you're a bit warm. are you sure you feel fine?" atsuya quickly regained composure (before he could explode) and gently pushed you away, avoiding your gaze.

"i'm fine, i'm fine..." you narrowed brows, about to question him further but atsuya raised a hand. "where were you supposed to go anyway? are you busy?" he asked, suddenly reminding you of something.

"aah! right, i forgot i was about to go to captain!" you exclaimed as you gave him a quick smile before proceeding to go on your way.

"aah but i was just about to... nevermind, she's busy anyways." atsuya huffed (aww he's sulking). atsuya sighed, he's back to square one.

atsuya blinked when he realized he was still standing in front of your office. he grinned and decided to enter your study.

not a lot of people could enter your office. well, not that they weren't allowed to, it was just that they thought they wouldn't want to disturb you whenever you work (lol you rarely do).

shutting the door, he looked around your office. it was your normal office, simple and organized; a desk in the middle, a bookshelf on its right side, and a large painting hung on the wall of the opposite side. atsuya wandered and settled after into the couch in front of the desk.

"the room smells exactly like y/n... did she spray her perfume in here?" atsuya wondered and gave your desk a glance. he stood and grabbed the picture frame on your desk. his breath hitched:

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