Falling Out Of Love

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In Seattle, Washington, December 21st, 1963, a small-town man named Jerome W. Arnold got out of his car and walked into a bar. The bartender said, "What'll it be?" "Two on the house, please" he said. Five minutes later, a thug comes up to Jerome and says, "I been lookin' over for ya, boy! It's time you pay me what you owe me!" He looked into the thug's eyes and said, "Not gonna happen!!!" Then he angrily said, "You really wanna take it there?" Jerome takes a beer bottle, smashes and says, "Well if you wanna take it further then alright! Let's go!" Then they spar for at least a minute with his men in the bar trying to jump him. The bartender says, "This is more than outta hand," then he calls the police, then Jerome knocks the thug out then looks for a way out. The police arrive and head for the front door. "Search everywhere for the other guy, he couldn't have gotten far," said the Commissioner. When Jerome saw the cops break in he panicked thinking of another way out. "Block the back door immediately!!!!," said the officers. They busted through the back, so Jerome broke out of a window and ran away as far as his feet could take him. "What was that?! Check that area!!!" Said one of the cops. They noticed the broken window then the Commissioner said, "Let me guess... He got away!!!" He was disappointed. Although Jerome was lucky he managed to escape but the police weren't intending to stop until they had an identity or a lead on his location. Later that night... He went home to his wife, Angela J. Arnold for dinner. "Honey, I'm home... Is dinner ready?" He asked. Angela looked at him with a smile and said, "Yes... After an hour and a half of cooking and setting up the movie yes dinner is finally finished". Then they sit down and eat. She notices a scar on his left hand cheek and said, "What happened to your face?" He said, "A ruthless thug tried to steal my money and when I refused he took a beer bottle and scarred me with it". She said, "Baby are you okay?" He was fine and he knew that thug when he was 16 but he wanted revenge because he made a deal with him but he never kept his word so Jerome never paid him. Jerome decided to go to bed earlier than usually because he was tired out from the fight. "Wait dear, I have exciting news for you!!!" Jerome said, "Oh yeah... What's that?" She said excitedly, "We're having a baby, I'm pregnant!!!" He was shocked at first, but he was so excited that he even reconsidered sleeping early. "What movie is it this time," asked Jerome. She said, "It's A Wonderful Life." Then they sat on their bed and watched the movie. Angela stayed awake but Jerome instantly fell asleep knowing he had her comfort. Three days later... Jerome takes Angela out for a nice Christmas breakfast at IHop. "These pancakes are just the perfect start of my day aren't they?" she said. Jerome said, "Try not to put too much sugar in your body... It's bad for you and the unborn." He stopped her from eating it all and decided to pack it up and take it home with them. "Come on Baby, let's go home and relax," he said as he rushed her out trying not to embarrass her. She went home and Jerome went out shopping for baby supplies. "When I get back to the house I'm taking a nap that I hope will last a whole 12 hours," said Jerome. After he got home, he slept for at least 8 hours. When he woke up, Angela said to get dressed up for a night on a town. "Why couldn't I just keep sleeping?" He said in a dramatic tone of voice. She said, "Because this is more important than your sleep, now let's go!" After riding through the city of Seattle they had Christmas dinner at a fancy restaurant called the Lá Chateau Diner. The waitress came up to their table and said, "What will it be for you two?" Angela said, "Hamburger with a side of French Fries." Jerome said, "Pizza, pepperoni Pizza, extra Mozzarella and garlic sauce." As they head out of the restaurant, a man named Gerald Henderson flirts with Angela. "Hello lady. You're beauty matches my intelligence we should go out sometime." He said, then Jerome said, "Keep your hands off my wife you imbecile!" Then he touches her again, so Jerome says angrily, "That does it!!! You're going down Henderson!" Then he punches Gerald. He gets back up and says, "Let's dance pretty boy!" Then they end up beating each other up in front of Angela and other people in the area. Two cops witness half the fight and immediately run to get them off each other. "I warned you not to mess with my wife!!!" Said Jerome. Gerald says, "Get over it bonehead! This is all your fault!!!" They were both arrested and later free to go on Christmas morning. When Jerome got home, he noticed Angela wad packing her stuff. "Sweetie, what are you doing?" He said. She said, "I'm leaving you for the safety of me and the unborn. I'm sorry Jerry, but you left me no choice. Goodbye!!!" "But honey... Angela!!!" He kept calling as she drove away. Then, he calls Gerald to make sure he's alright. "Gerald it's me Jerome. I'm truly sorry I hurt you last night," he said as he was bursting heavily in tears. Gerald said, "It's alright... I shouldn't have touched her like that." Jerome said, Wanna come over and have dinner, maybe watch some movies?" Gerald said gladly, "I'd be more than delighted to. I'll get dressed up and then I'll be on my way." Jerome and Gerald used to be friends growing up until they became enemies in college.

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