Chapter 1

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" Okay it's 3pm already, I don't think I can find a place to stay here *sigh* No no no.. I don't like spending the night in a hotel or motel, I need to find an apartment right now!" Kim talking to herself while walking on the street in Bangkok.

For the 3rd time and 3rd place she's searching of available room for rent but for her disappoinment, there is no available so she start looking for an  apartment instead .

" I'm sorry, but this apartments are good for  two person. It has two beds, two closets ." said by a lady, looks like in her late 30s.

Seeing Kim was in trouble thinking.

" If you want to take it for only you, you have to pay double price for it"

Kim lift her head and smile to the lady.

"I'll take it Ma'amshe said her face lit up.

"Okay good! Let's go to my office to discuss the payments.."

The lady smiled back to Kim and leading her towards her office.
Kim followed the lady inside the office.


" No I'm okay Mom, besides it's just a one luggage. Yes, I'm already here. I'll call you back after I settled my stuff. Love you more jubjubjub"

Pie got out to the cab. dragging her luggage inside the building. She stop at the 'landlady's office ' door and knocked. After she heard the response from inside she opened it and went inside.

" Hi! I'm here for the room that I booked last week." Pie said take her sit at the lady's desk.

The landlady was a bit shock. She knows that there is only one room that available at the moment.

" Really? "

" Yes ma'am, I came here last week, Remember? And you showed me the apartment. I already paid it. Here's the receipt."

the lady was a bit shocked. She really forgot that

" Oh. my. God." That's the only words came out on her mouth. And covered her mouth with her palm.

" Is there's any problem?" Pie asked sensing that there must be a problem.

The lady cleared her throat and look at her..

" Well I totally forgot about that miss Miranda. Oh this is my fault. " she facepalm and stared at Pie.


Kim was putting her stuff in her new place. It's a bit wide and she felt afraid because it has a two bed. What if there's some ghost would sleep on that bed? She shakes her head just to brush off that thoughts. She heard some knocks on the door and  opened it.

" Hello miss Kim. Can I have a minute?"

" Sure ma'am."

" Come to my office"

Kim just nodded and followed the lady. She went inside the lady's office. There was also a lady sitting in front of the desk. Frowning and fuming.

" Ahh miss Pie? This is miss Kim. I think you need to discuss it about that room."

" What do you mean ma'am?" Kim asked the lady. Confused.

" I'm sorry, it's a sorts of misleading, Miss Pie was already took that apartment lastweek and already paid it. "

Kim think of it and look at Pie whose in a deep thought.

" Mmm it's okay for me to shared that apartment ma'am. "

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