i love you too

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"Oh im here again " thought Andrew , as he grazed in the dark void of mind . "Do you really think he loves you ?! A voice shouted from the darkness . Andrew had grown a custom to this voice,  it sounded familiar almost like he was talking to himself. But the voice quickly followed that statement, " the only reason he told you he '"" loves "" you is because he was desperate,  he doesn't really "love" you were just his last resort!" SHUT THE FUCK UP! Andrew yeld into the darkness , all the while putting his hands on his ears . " oh please dont deny it , you KNOW im right,  after all same thing happened last time " the voice pointed out statistically. N..no ! S..stop it ! . " you fell in love , he told you : i love you too ,and then AH! le gasp! he was cheating on you with another woman" . YEAH SO WHAT ?! HE MAY HAVE CHEATED ON ME  AND I CANT CHANGE THAT ! kevie is different,  he's smart , cute and he's always been there for me , IN WAYS YOU'VE NEVER BEEN ! Andrew pointed out in a fit of rage . " and whats stopping him from getting back with a
Cass behind your back  huh ? ". Andrew   didn't answer,  how could he ? He knew the answer,  but he didn't want to admit   it . " EXACTLY! Nothing .. after which he'll leave you , JUST like the last one ".the voice taunted.  S..shut up ! . "And you know whats the worst part ?  you could have prevented that from happening  last time !" . Yes i know Andrew agreed with a defeated tone of voice , its like he's lost hope in his voice  . At this point who wouldn't? . Andrew got cheated,  rejected,  and verbally abused more times  than he could count . " If only you weren't so weird, fat ,stupid,  incompetent, and mean he wouldn't have left you !". I know Andrew agreed,  emotionally dead . " you dont deserve to feel loved , YOU ARE AND WILL FOREVER BE ALONE !".

Gah!  Andrew woke up in a panic looking around , and then finally back on his sleeping boyfriend next to him , Andrew was a bit relieved  to see his boyfriend next to him , bis dark brown coloured hair with hints of red , his pale skin tone that made him look like an angel .He was sleeping peacefully. ugm uh andy ? . Fuck ! Andrew thought , he really didn't want to wake up his boyfriend especially since they both had to go to an 8 am class on creative writing.  F...fuck .. im so sorry kevie , its okay i just had a nightmare... y...you can go back to sleep ,  Andrew said all the while cursing himself for waking keven up . Ughm ... no  its okay Andy , keven said half awake.  Come here andy , keven said while giving Andrew an opening for a hug . Andrew took the invitation and cuddled his face into kevens naked chest , all the while wrapping his arms around his back . Andy, love whats wrong ? Let me help you .. please. I.. i was hearing this voice.. it sounded almost like my voice.. and it was saying so meny horrible things to me . What things ? Asked keven. Stuff like , he doesn't love you, he's going to leave you alone , he doesn't care about  , what makes you think he genuinely loves? I bet he's just deaspret. Andrew flinched and tears started to flow from his bright red cheeks .Shh shh its okay , keven assured him . B...b..but that has happened a..at l..least three times!. What makes you think it wont happen again? Andrew said as he finally broke down in thears in keven's warm chest .a minute or so went by and keven finally broke the silence. Because you have me .huh?! Andrew exclaimed in surprise,  he hadn't anticipated keven responding . Because you have me keven repeated,  and i will never leave you all alone , you want to know why the others hurt you ? Andrew didn't say anything,  he hadn't thought of that , instead he was thinking it was always his fault. Because they were blind to whats in front them , w..what ? Andrew said without really thinking, 
They had someone amazing who would have followed them to end of the world and beyond,  but they were stupid enough to hurt and leave you alone  keven said with a sturn voice . Andrew continued to sob  in kevens chest , he had been hurt allot in his teens and adult hood. And do you want to know why that wont happen this time ? Keven asked already knowing the answer . W....w..why ? Andrew shivered  with every word thet came out of his mouth . The pour boy had gotten hurt so many times he got used to it , but he never had this happen to him , because i love you , and i always will keven said with the sweetest  voice he could muster. After some time Andrew decided to lift he's head out of kevens chest. Keven smiled at the sicht of Andrew's face , his sunshine coloured blond hair complimented by his  bricht beautiful cristal blue eyes and olive skin tone,on top of that his adorable bricht red cheeks , due to crying so much , and his eyes all watery making his eyes look like an ocean , how cute keven thought without realizing . I....i love you too , Andrew said with the cutest voice he could muster after crying so much .keven leaned down to be on the same level as Andrew,  took his chin and gave him a tender kiss on his lips , Andrew quickly kissed back . Both were enjoying this moment but both realized something,  human - air = death . And so they both reluctantly pulled out after a like 2 minutes . I love you kevie , your honestly the best boyfriend i could ask for ,Andrew said as he caressed kevens cheek , i love you too , i dont know how i got so lucky to have met you let alone be my boyfriend. Your honestly your such a sweetheart, both shared a hug snuggling into each other , keven couldn't help but play with Andrews soft and curly blond hair , Andrew
snuggled into kevens chest and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Soon they both fell into a deep sleep in each others arms , both hoped it would never end ..

Writer note : this only has one chapter ( its a very small story ) but still hoped you enjoyed it . ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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