Chapter 1 (Rewrite!)

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Clack Clack.
I stir in my sleep at all the noise, Clack Clack it continues.
"Ugh.." I pull my legs over my bed to go check out what all the commotion was about.
Who the hell could be making such noise right now?
I tip toe downstairs, making sure not to alert whoever the fuck was in my house.
It's coming from the kitchen...
I sneak into the room filled with pastries and treats only to see...

A.. Little ghost boy?

Stealing... chocolate.


"THAT'S MY CHOCOLATE!" The ghost whips around dropping the bitten into chocolate bar. "Ah dude! No... My chocolate" with the chocolate now on the ground and dirty it was to no use for anyone anymore.
"Wait... You can see me?" The little ghost shit asks, pointing an accusing finger at me.
"Yeah. I can"
He nods, "Well...want some chocolate?" He asks handing out a not eaten or dirty chocolate bar. "It's my chocolate!!"
He shrugs, "More for me I guess--" he pops the bar in his mouth, chews, and then swallows. "Yum!" His face turned into one of pure bliss.
"Alright little ghost boy, why and how are you here?" The ghost shrugs. "Well first I'm Chara, Cross Chara. And two all I remember is fighting this weirdo with a giant paintbrush and being knocked out. Then I woke up in this kitchen no longer in human form and back into a gosh darn ghost."

I nod, "Understandable." Then I dead pan. "Wait so you woke up here. Barely any memory... And start eating my chocolate?" He nods, picking up the one that fell on the floor. Dusting it off and poping it in his mouth like the other one.

I shutter.

"Yup" He pops the 'P' and chews the dirty crusty floor chocolate. "Well... You haven't even tried to leave?" I question doing the 'Boi' meme. He puts a hand to his mouth in thought.
"Huh... I guess not"
I smirk, "Well wanna try?" He shrugs. "Anymore chocolate?"
"Only white"

"LET'S GO" he floats to the kitchen door trying to rip it open. When he does he tries to step foot outside but he glitches back by my side.

He tries again and again and again... Until we accept the fact he's stuck here..


"I'll go get more chocolate..."

Ying and Yang || Cross Chara x reader Rewrite! ||Where stories live. Discover now