Our little place underwater /davenzi

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I looked at my phone. Before the quarantine began, I arranged with David so I could stay with him. It was just me, Laura and David in one apartment. I sighed and put my phone back on the floor. Since last time we spoke to everyone David changed a lot. We spend a lot of time together in this episode.

His room has changed unrecognizably. On the floor were dirty plates, David's painting tools, mine clothes, and lots of empty water bottles.

I started to pay attention to a cute boy, which just wake up himself. He was sleeping a lot lately in days. „Wanna sandwich?" I asked and touched his arm. „No. Today I have a surprise for you. But you need to stay out of the room for a day."

He has a surprise for me? „Okay then, Mr. Mysterious surprise. I will take a laptop and go to the kitchen."

I moved to the kitchen and turned on the laptop. I'm making a surprise for David last few days. I grabbed his headphones and started to edit a video. „Do I have in kitchen Matteo or David?" I heard. Laura has been looking at me. I had David's sweatpants, jacket and his headphones. As I remember his clothes he has my shirt from the party when I thought this girl is his girlfriend and my sweatpants.

„I wear anything from his closet." I smiled. „What are you doing?" She sits next to me and looked inside of the computer. „He would be happy. I like it." She smiled. I put back headphones with the idea of editing, so she stands up and left me with caress in hair.


„Do you want a sandwich?" She asked me after two hours of work. „That would be great." „I would bring David some too." „I asked him earlier, he told me he doesn't want sandwiches. He is working on something." „He makes me worried. David doesn't want to eat much, he sleeps at day a lot, are you sure he is okay?" I smiled at her. „He is don't worry. If he wouldn't he will tell us."



I was trying to finish the biggest project for Matteo. I wanted to make him happy when we are stuck in quarantine. I wasn't sleeping for a while at nights, but I'm so happy that Matteo is respectful and doesn't say anything about my sleeping lately.

But tonight it will ends.

A few hours later


I saw a big canvas on the wall. „David? Can I open it?" I asked, but he was in the kitchen, making food for us. So I put a laptop and USB under blanket. „No Matte! Leave it like it is. Wait!" „Okay sweetie, I'm waiting for food. And you." I smiled.

David came to the room really fast. „What is it?" He looked at my surprise. „My surprise for you." David looked from surprise to me and tried to put down a blanket. „You first. What is there?"

He came to canvas and put it down. I saw our faces on the big wall of our first kiss in the empty pool. I feel tears in my eyes, so I turned my face to the window because I don't want him to see my face.

I was just happy to have a boyfriend like him. He spends so much time to make something like this. I smiled. „But when did you made it?" „At night, when you were sleeping." He answered.

„Are you happy?" He asked me. I looked at him. „More than happy." I pulled David close to me and kissed him. „But now, you are not going to do it anymore. I was so worried about you."


„And what is this?" I looked at the blanket and put it down. „Matte that's your laptop and my USB." „Maybe inside is a surprise."

I switched comp and put USB inside. Birth of as sitting down on the bed and I clicked on one video.

„Dear David," I saw Matteo's face with a mask and sunglasses. „Today we have quarantine, and I think you are probably sleeping right now, so I bring with myself this." He showed my picture on the camera. „And I will go step by step in every place. The first place in our school. When I saw you, I fell in love with you for a first sight. I saw only you walking pass me with headphones on. Wait." He put my photo on the wall and put on him my headphones. After that on display came his...our selfie.

He give hand in front of the camera. „Welcome to the kitchen in the apartment." Noise in background. „Hans? Can you stop I'm filming a movie for David." Another noise and after some seconds Hans's face in front of the camera. „Hey David. Hans is here." I laughed. Matteo pushes him away from the camera. „Here you're sandwich fetish started. So what we put inside? Cheese, cucumber, ketchup, mustard, and whipped cream? Let's make it in the kitchen of Luigi." He made the sandwich. „I got this." He show to the camera my beanie. „You forgot it here. You know how is it called? Collage." He winked and another selfie of us came on video.

The next place was his room. „In this room lot of happened. Our night of kisses, my mental breakdown when I thought Laura is your girlfriend...or how worried I was when you were no answering me, our making posters, you drawing, teaching me..more kisses." He smiled at the camera. „I saved only one drawing." He show my drawing to the camera. „Let's move somewhere else." He said and give there our picture in his bed.

The next location was an empty pool. „This is place is special for both of us. Here we have our first kiss underwater without oxygen, or our screaming ceremony. So my video is going to end...no I'm just kidding. One last place." He took our selfie with my picture in the empty pool.

First what I saw was him in our apartment. „Last place is your room. If you are asking why the hell I'm whispering, look at my view." He switched camera on me sleeping on the bed. „What should I said. I just love you at the way you are." He sits on the bed and kissed me on the cheek. „This is a place when we spend time a lot lately. Place where we had our first..you know what. And the place where we can talk about anything. I hope you enjoy little of Luigi's days with our story."

I looked at him with no words. The only thing that I was supposed to do was kiss him. „Matte." I just said his name and hug him. „So you made for us our own little place underwater?" He asked while he was looking at a painting. „I guess I do."


We ended the day with cuddling and kissing, enjoying moments together.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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