Chapter 1

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Aphrodite's P O.V.

"Aphy, come on. You've been sitting here all day. What's the matter?" Hephaestus asked me.

"Percabeth is so boring! They never do anything!" I exclaimed.

"Percabeth? Isn't that Barnacle Beard's kid with Athena's kid?"

"Yes! All they do is go out on dates and kiss! They don't have any fun! They don't even fight!" I groaned.

"And that's bad why?" Hephaestus asked, obviously confused.

"At this rate they'll break up! They need a challenge, an obstacle in their relationship. Not just happiness. They need to know that they'll be there for each other no matter what." I stated, firmly.

"Aphrodite, have you payed attention in the last three years? They've been on six quests, were separated for six months in which those months Percy lost his memory and only knew her, fell into Tartatus, must I go on?"

I groaned. "You don't understand! They need action!"

"Fine whatever. Just don't get me involved." He said, frustrated.

"I won't. Now... Do you know any good monsters to send after them?"

Annabeth's P.O.V.

"Piper! Hurry up! Percy'll be here in three minutes!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down Annie! Let me just fix your makeup!" Piper said. She turned and looked over her shoulder. "Lacy! I need the eyeshadow!" Lacy ran over to Piper with a black container in hand. She handed it to Piper and she took it, smiling. "Thanks Lacy."

Piper opened the container and pulled out a brush. She put the brush in the grey eye shadow and began to apply it to my eyes. After a minute or so she stopped and put the brush back. She closed the container and placed it on her dresser. She stood up from her seat and took a step back to look at my final appearance.

"You look beautiful." She stated. "See for yourself." She said, motioning to the full body mirror on the wall.

I stood up and slowly walked over to the mirror. What I saw took my breath away. The blue dress I was wearing fell down to my knees in wrinkles. It was a one strap dress that matched the color of Percy's eyes. Piper had put me in a pair of high heels the same color as my dress. My makeup was a whole different story. I had a mix of black and grey eye shadow, and a hint of mascara. My hair was up in a bun on the top of my head with a braid wrapping around it. It made me look like a whole new person. I didn't look like the bookworm I normally am, I looked like the beautiful, sophisticated girl I used to hate.

"I-I don't know that girl, Piper." I said, pointing to the mirror.

She walked over to me and put her arm around my shoulders. "Sure you do. She's been there all along. You just haven't let her out." There was a knock on the door of the Aphrodite cabin, causing all the girls to squeal. "He's here." Piper stated.

Piper walked over and opened the door. "Hey Percy."

"Hey Pipes, is Annie here?" I heard Percy ask.

"Yeah she's in here." She turned around and looked over at me. "Come on Annabeth."

I slowly made my way over to him. When I finally reaches the doorway, Percy's jaw dropped, as did mine. He was wearing a black tux with a tie the same color as my dress. He had on black dress shoes and what seemed to be sapphire cuff links. His hair wasn't a mess like it always is, it was slickly gelled back.

"Annabeth you look, you look stunning. Absolutely beautiful." He exclaimed.

I blushed. "T-thanks. You do too."

"Yeah, Jason helped me get ready." He said, blushing.

He held out his hand and I took it, letting him guide me down the steps. Before we left I turned around and smiled at Piper. "Thanks Piper."

"No problem. Have fun you two!"

I smiled and Percy led me out towards his grey ford that was parked at the borders. He walked me over to the passenger seat and opened the door for me.

"Such a gentleman." I said in a mocking tone.

He rolled his eyes and I climbed into the car. He closed the door behind me and walked over to the driver side. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and got into the car. He started the engine and pulled away from the camp, driving away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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