The Ups and Downs of a Nerve Wracked and Unconfident Teen ( 1 )

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Don't know why I'm writing this. It is a go with the flow thing! I usually have some sort of note or whatever with me but right now i just want to write! I dont even really know what I want this to be about either XD Just some sort of short story, so hope you enjoy~


 I sighed as I walked through the dark and dank hallways of my high school. The hallways were actually kinda bright and cheery 'cause they were a bright red but they felt dark and dank to me. 

 Everyone stared at me like I was some sort of a freak. I didn't really care, like usual, when I got to school and saw my friends. Every morning was such a hassle for me and I always felt anxious even though my family says, 'there's nothing to worry about' and 'you look fine'. They tell me I look pretty but I never believe them. Families are supposed to say you look pretty and parents always think their children are good looking; grandparents think the same. Siblings usually say you're pretty because they dont want to get in trouble, but the truth always comes out in fights when they scream that you're ugly and walk off.

If it wasn't clear before then I'll be direct. I have a very low self-esteem, but I can't help myself. Most of my friends are girls, and I don't have very many guy friends because they avoid me like the plague. Or so it seems.

On to my story though! I kept walking at a rapid pace trying to get past the older kids in grade 11 and 12, I'm in grade 10 by the way. I'm a pretty strange person and that may be why people avoid me but i'm happy that I seem to have a few actual friends that accept me for who I am (excuse the cheesiness in that). I bit my lip nervously as I walked down the halls, pretending not to care what others think when they stared at me.

I had straggly brown hair that was quite short, just above my shoulders which is what people consider short for some reason. My blue eyes were bright and unconfident, as usual, and my face surprisingly had no zits or blackheads even though I didn't take care of it. I wore braces but I would be getting them off soon, and my skin was a bit red in places from scratching and my eyes watery from the wind outside. I wore my black jeans which were decorated in flowers and designs drawn on by myself or others since I wasn't a very decent artist. My shirt was in an assortment of colours ranging from purple to red to blue twirling around in a strange circular pattern.

I let out a relieved sigh when I reached my locker that took a while to open. I twirled it a few times. 15-30- 50. I had to try at least 3 times before the lock actually opened and I quickly stuffed my bag into my locker. Pulling out my books from it beforehand I set them on the ground before I set my bag on one of the hooks in the locker. I closed my locker and proceeded to my best friends locker. I don't suppose I've told anyone who's even reading this my name, have I? Well, just in case there is some sorry person out there  that would want to read about an unconfident and nerve wracked teen, my name is Eliza Newby. As I was saying though, I started heading to my best friends locker, Chelsea. Sill in my nervous faze I usually blossomed it my abnormal self with friends.

When I got near her locker I couldn't see her. I rubbed my head anxiously before I gasped and smiled when I finally saw her. I ran up and hugged her immediatly almost making us both fall down. "Chelsea! How long has it been!?" I asked in my usual shrilly voice that showed I was happy. My voice, from what people told me, is quiet and that's why I am unsociable when I'm with people that don't think the highest of me. I smiled at her happily and followed her to her locker.

Chelsea is a hard worker who always gets her work done on time and stays up late just to finish it. She's really nice too. She stands up for me when I myself can't. I really like Chelsea since she accepts me even with my weird mood swings and drama. I waited beside her locker patiently as I watching people pass by. Some stared back at me and some just minded their own business which I liked. Chelsea and I chatted a bit and, as usual, me being me, brought pudding into the conversation. I laughed happily before my other friends came over.

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