Secret Corners

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Sneaking around after dark to meet the one you love... Prefect, don't you think?

I never thought my life would ever come t this, but when you have an over-protective father

that hates the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, you're kinda forced to take things to the extreme.

I mean , I have to admit that I never EVER imagined myself with someone like Mace.

Macer Justin Connor. A guy who hasn't got the best qualities that a father would want in his daughters boyfriend. Boyfriend Material??? I think not. Yes he's a total Bad Boy. You know,the guy  that smokes in the boys bathrooms during school hours. He's that guy that wears the leather jacket everyday and races his motorbike to school. He's the guy I love... and no matter how  much everyone dislikes him because of his so called attitude, I will always love him.

The story of how Macer and I met is pretty much a cliche. You know,the usual Bump-into-each-other-in-the-hallway cliche. And the best part is that he wasn’t the guy to help me pick up my things... No Macer was the douche who swore at me and walked away. Yes he left me there on the floor to stare at his back. Amazed.

I wouldn't say it was love at first sight but i would say that he looked damn fine. It's like that boy was conceived by Aphrodite and Zeus themselves. Hes is definitely a Greek god. The dark messy hair... The ice blue eyes that I would so easily lose my soul in.. Those perfectly shaped lips created for sin...His finely detailed torso with that incredible V line...Every inch of that boy screams "Fuck me".

So with me just sitting there staring at this Greek god, It hit me... He is Bad News. I thought of every reason why I should stay away and of all the ways that he would so easily break my fragile little heart.

But for the life of me I couldn't imagine one day without him.

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