Anniversary- Chris Evans

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Theme of imagine:
🎵 We're not who we used to be
    We're not who we used to be
    We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat🎵

She waited and waited for him for a whole hour *sighs* "I bet he wouldn't miss a football game" she thought *Keyuna stands up from the table and blows out the candles* "Happy anniversary baby, oh you remember" * Keyuna scoffs*  She couldn't believe it, Chris stood her up again, this time in their own house. *Keyuna walks up the stairs to her and Chris bedroom to take cute red dress, she bought for him off*

 *Keyuna walks up the stairs to her and Chris bedroom to take cute red dress, she bought for him off*

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Few moments later.. "Cmon Chris it's getting cold out here" "Hold on I almost got i- *the front door finally unlocks and they both stumble in* there" *as soon as Chris and her walks in they are instantly greeted with rose petals falling on their heads*  "What the hell" Chris said "Awe babe you're so sweet" she said "I didn't do that" *Chris and her looks down to see a  trail of rose petals leading to the kitchen there they see a delicious seafood dinner and burnt candles on a table* "Chris what's going on here" "I don't know Mariah" *Chris then starts to take in his surroundings, the dim lights, rose petals around the table, soft music playing, and lastly a handwritten card on a counter* *Chris walks towards the card, and reads it*  "Happy anniversary!  Throughout these years you brought nothing but, joy, happiness and so much love. When no one was there for me I could come to you. Then and now it will always be you're the one and I'm so excited for our future! I love you so much. XOXO. Three years down and many more to go." "Oh God.. oh God why tonight" *Chris facepalms himself* Chris turns around to find Mariah going upstairs to the bedroom "Mariah stop" he whisper yells "Why" she smirks coming down the stairs "You have to go now oka-" *Mariah cuts Chris off by kissing him, Chris pulls away* "You really need to go" Mariah interrupts him "We were just getting started" *Chris pulls Mariah towards the door*  "I'll call you tomorrow" Chris said *He kisses her forehead and opens the door*  "No I wanna be here with you" she said out loud

*Keyuna awakes from her 30 minute nap* "Chriiis..Chriis..Chris?" *Keyuna rolls over to see that other side of the bed is empty* "Oh right" she rolls her eyes and check the the time it's 11:14pm *sighs* "Your killing me" she mumbles *Keyuna gets out of bed to take a shower but she then hear a voice that sound like Chris and noises coming from downstairs* "Chris?" *Keyuna hesitates to make her way towards the door* "No I wanna be here with you" *after she heard that she no longer hesitated, and walk down the stairs* "Chris You've got to be kidding me"  *Keyuna walks down the stairs the closer she gets she hears a door slam, Keyuna sees Chris locking the front door eagerly*
"Did I hear a woman voice" "Sweetie h-hi-hi" *Chris turns around to find Keyuna wearing one of his favorite sweatshirts and black joggers**Chris walks up to Keyuna to try to give her a kiss, but she turns the other cheek* "Where the hell were you you've been gone all day and not only that you forg-" "I know sweetie *Chris wraps his hands around Keyuna waist and pulls her close* I'm sorry I'm so sorry" Chris said "No you're you said that the last time and before that and if you were you would've came home earlier you wouldn't have made me wait for a whole hour." "Keyuna I am sorry, I promise it won't happen agai-" *Keyuna scoffs, and take his hands off her waist* "Oh please.. you know if you don't want to be with me just say something, because I'm tired of you lead-" *Chris interrupts her and cups her face and kiss her passionately* after they kiss, Chris tightly hugs Keyuna* "I'm sorry I know these past weeks I haven't been putting all my attention on you but looking at you I can see now how bad I hurt you, and I swear this time I will do better I love you." *Chris kisses her again* "Fine but next time" "There won't be a next time" *Keyuna smiles and kisses him passionately, and then start kissing his neck* "Keyuna sweetie what are you doing?" *He grabbed her hips* "Making out with you" she mumbles "Well in that case" *Chris picks her up and walks to the stairs, Keyuna laughs* "You are silly" *walking up the stairs Keyuna notice a mark on his neck* "Is that a hickey"
* Chris face drops but he ignores her* *Keyuna voice dropped and instead of a happy tone it was a heart broken tone* "Chris answer me" *Chris doesn't say anything* "Put me down" *Chris puts her down and holds her hand* "I can explain" *Chris takes a pause and zones out and looks at Keyuna face, he notice that she was on the verge of tears* "fuck you" *Keyuna says and letting go of Chris hands and walks away* *Those words brought him back from taking a pause* "No no no don't be like that it was a mistake I'm sorry" *Keyuna turns around to looks at Chris" " I trusted you with all my heart and soul when I thought you were doing right it was the opposite I supported you in everything, and I love you through out all... but now this is a wake up sign to show-" *Chris cuts her off before she could break both of their hearts even more* "You don't know how bad I feel about this I am so sorry" Chris says *Keyuna walks to Chris with now tears flowing down her face* "Were you feeling bad before you got caught be honest thats the least you could do" *Chris knew he messed up and with the answer he replied with only made it worse* "I- I-... no" *That one single word broke Keyuna* *Chris was expecting a slap to the face or glass being thrown at him but all he got was a nod* Keyuna looks at him with pity and grab her car keys and was making a way for the door* "What happened to us we are always fine one moment and then the next we're ruin and empty...Keyuna why" Chris turns around and she says* "We're not who we used to be" *Chris with tears prickling down his face responded with a question* "What are we now?"
"Happy Anniversary Chris" *And with that she walks out the door leaving Chris alone on their anniversary like he once did*

My First Imagine
I hope y'all enjoyed

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