Doctor's Appointment

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"Tamy Rogers." A nurse in white called from the door that was located in front of me. My mom stood up first and smiled kindly at the nurse. I stood up second and grabbed my purse and passed right through the nurse not bothering to look at her. The door closes silently behind us, the hallway was white. The nurse walked faster in front of us, she stopped at the end of the hallway and pointed us to a room on the left. I went inside the room first and sat down on the black stool chair. My mom sat down next to me and put her hand on top of mine. She squeezed my hand. Her eyes were a dark green, her long wavy graying hair was pulled behind her ears, her eyes were the kindest thing in this world.

"Everything's going to be okay." My mom said. I managed to smile and take her hand. 

After my mom and I had a small talk, a knock was heard on the door, a guy in a white coat came in. He closed the door behind him and quietly said, "Hello."

The doctor had no hair at all, he was bald. He had soft pale blue eyes. Wrinkles were formed around his eyes while he seem to be short.  He turned to me, smiled, and spoke.

"So, I am guessing your Tamy. I am Doctor Watson." He held out his hand for me to shake, but I never took it. He didn't seem offended by the gesture. Doctor Watson took out a pen from behind his ears and wrote down quickly on a blank piece of paper. Doctor Watson sighed and looked at my mother.

"Mrs. Rogers, Your daughter showed high levels of schizophrenia. Which means that she may be on early stages on it. " My mothers head lowered down and she seem to quietly seem to take in the information. I, on the other hand didn't know what  was "schizophrenia."

"What's schizophrenia?" I asked. I unwrapped my legs from the criss cross position I was in. Doctor Watson looked at me in the eyes and out his hand on his mouth before speaking.

"Tamy, Schizophrenia is when someone can't distinguish reality from fake. "  My arched blonde eyebrows drew together as he said that. Distinguish reality? What? I didn't have that. I was perfectly fine.

"I am perfectly find. Don't try and out in rubbish stuff that isn't true. I don't care I'd you a doctor." I said while looking at my mom, she lifted her head and looked at me. She passed her fingers through my hair. Doctor Watson stood up and said to my mother, "I would like to speak to you privately." My mother nodded and stepped outside the room to speak with the "doctor" the door closed I threw my head backwards. I closed my eyes and sighed. Me, crazy? Of course not. I didn't trust this doctor at all, he's the one that looked crazy. The talking outside the door suddenly stopped, nothing was heard.  I stared at the door. Behind the door I could see many shadows, slowly the door open till the door was kicked open. Men dresses in black and with gas masks came in inside the small doctors room. Two men grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me through the door, my body completely went into protest mode. I shouted kicked and screamed as the word "crazy" repeatedly played through my mind. As they drag me, I heard my mother shout for my name. Her voice was too faint, as if she was to far away. The men that were holding me disappeared. I was now in a white room, they were cushions all over the place. The ceiling, floor and walls. I looked down at my fragile body and saw that I was wrapped around a white suit. My arms were put on top of each other, forming a x.  The end of my hands were tied with a golden lock. Tears spilled down my pale cheeks.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I screamed as loud as I could. My screams echoed of the room. I fell down to my knees.

"I am not crazy...I am not." I sobbed. My arms shook. I threw my head back and laughed hysterically.

"Tamy, wake up!" My moms shouts sounded as if they were right next to mines. The room spinner in circles in till my eyes vision turned black.

My eyes fluttered open, my eyes roamed the area I was at. I was still at Doctor's Watson's office. Doctor Watson's were wide, his eyes face were concerned. My mom was leaning forward, holding me at the shoulder. My mother pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back. I really needed help.




We spent a extra hour in Doctor Watson's office. He recommended me to a camp that was there to help people with mental difficulties. I completed denied the idea, but my mother had others ideas for me. As we drove pass the row houses, the sun settle for its disappearance. The moon would soon take place. I flipped through the channels of music for a couple of minutes before my mom broke the awkward silence.

"Do you want anything to eat?" My mother asked. I looked at her.

"Nah." I said.

20 minutes passed till we reached our home. I got off our 2013 green Hyundai and looked up at our home. It was a two story home. It had a small garden in front of the porch and was painted a pastel blue. The largest window on the second floor was my room. My mother opened the door and I dashed into my bedroom, closing the door to my room. I threw myself into my neon purple bed. I took off my sandals and changed into my pajamas. I walked over to my mirror and looked at my complexion. I was not a pretty girl, my cheeks bones were to high. My blonde straight hair looked unhealthy. My huge green eyes didn't seem to go with my pale complexion. My fish lips and rectangle body shape didn't help either. The only thing I had was boobs. As I pulled my hair into a pony tail, I heard knocking on my window, I smiled at myself and immediately opened the window. There, in a crouched position stood my best friend Kim. I moved out of the way so Kim could get inside. Kim had short purple dyed hair. She had angular jaw and gray eyes. She usually wore a patterned red and black skirt with fishnet leggings. Along with her red tank  top and black boots. Kim sighed and looked at me,"How's your night going?" Kim asked. I sat down on the edge of the bed and grinned.

"Its been okay, my mom wants to send me to a camp. But I think I talked her out of it." Kim sat down next to me and put a arm around me. I heard light footsteps coming my way, I looked at Kim and she nodes. She opened my closet and then got inside it. I closed the closet and then I heard knocking on the door.

"Come on." I said. I saw my mom peer into my room and then step in. She looked tired.

" I just spoke with your father and we suggest and agree that you attend the camp?" My eyes almost dropped. What did my father had a say in? He didn't even live here!

"First off, he doesn't even live here. Why does he have a say?" I said as my cheeks grew hot.

"Tamy, you need help."

"No! I am perfectly fine. Its you saying that I need help  when I don't." I said as my voice increased.

"Being stuck up here isn't going to help you Tamy. Your going to that camp whether you like it or not. Noe, this isnt up for dicussion." My mom said her face was getting red.  My anger flared, I walked over to my dresser and grabbed the alarm clock, I threw it. The clock was intended to hit her, but it hit the door instead. My mom bursted," TAMY THIS IS EXCATY YOU NEED HELP."

I shut off any words coming from her, my mother turned around and slammed the door closed. Kim came out of closet silently and stared at me. I sank to my knees and leaned against my bed. I whispered, " I am not crazy Kim...?" Kim put her jacket around me and hugged me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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