Chapter 1: Meet

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Y/n POV :

I walked into the building by the name Big Hit Entertainment. When I stepped inside, it was silent. You could only hear how the door closes with that one click sound in the end. I walked up to the front desk, where I could see a young woman, maybe in her 20ths.

"Hello how can I help you Miss?" She said with a smile on her face.

" Hi, I' m here, because of the meeting with BTS. I am the new member!" I said with excitement in my voice.
The girl nodded and typed something in the computer.
After a few seconds she turned to me and sayd, that I should follow her.

I, step by step, walked behind her. She was really pretty , her curves too. Eyeing her up and down, I didn't even noticed that we already were by the elevator.

" Go to the 6th floor and then straight up!" She smiled the last time, before turning around and leaving me alone, again.

I stepped in, and pushed the button to the 6th floor. It closed the doors and started moving, and playing soft music in the background. When I was on the 4th floor it came to a held and the same time a ding tone.

A Men walked in and leaning on the opposite wall from me. Again closing the doors, the music started playing. The Men gives me some glances time to time, but I shrugged it off.

In the end my station came and I get out of the elevator. I looked around and saw that the walls were grey and white, but my favorite color is black. Going straight up, like the woman said, I eyed the door in front of me. It was dark brown and had a golden doorknob. I knocked on the door, before stepping inside the room.

When I turned around, I was meet with 4 boys sitting on a  long table and paying their attention to me. I was a little nervous, but it washed away when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Oh, Y/n, you already here!" turning to the person and giving him a hug was a relieve, I didn't wanted to deal with questions. Realising from the warm hug, we kissed each other cheeks.

" You growed up Y/n. A strong woman! " I giggled at his words. " Ahjussi, stop that is  embarrassing! " he laughed.

We settled down and waited for the other members.

How you were sitting:

Jungkook                       Hoseok
Jimin                          Yoongi
Namjoon                        Taehyung
Jin                            Y/n
Bang PD(uncle, Ahjussi)

" So all are here now, we can begin!"

What happened:
You all talked about who is gonna rap and sing, who is dancing, when they gonna show you on the news etc.
They explained that you need to be careful with fans and other thinks like that. You were listening, but something stped you...

When PD-nim explained what I need to sign and do for the group and the group for me, but I stopped listening when something touched my thigh.

           Next Chapter: What the...!


So I'm gonna update soon and thanks that you read that shit😅😆?

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