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Love Brookes~

My name is love Brookes and this is the story of my life. No it's not perfect but I can say I'm doing pretty good being that I live in a neighborhood where it ain't nothing but hoes, gang banging, and fake ass mutha fuckas.

I'm not the type of bitch that surrounds myself by any of that so I don't have any friends for real. The only people I got is my grandma, my bestie Kennedy, and my big brother Jayden. They're the only people that love me and got my back through thick and thin, and I'm thankful for that, and Of course I have associates but that's all they'll ever be.



Some old ass lady was acting a damn fool like it wasn't kids around.

"It is way too hot for her to be doing all that."

Me and Kennedy were at this block party that this nigga named kyanite threw every year on the first day of summer break. It was really for high school kids but of course it was grown ass people here with nothing else to do flirting with girls, or tryna get a plate of food.

I didn't even wanna come but I ain't wanna be in the house bored, plus Kennedy would of kept begging me to go with her, so I just thought might as well.

"Let's go see if we can find Jayden."

I called Jayden my brother and so did Kennedy. We don't share the same blood but you know they say blood don't make you family.

He want all the smoke behind us, and we want all the smoke behind him.

"That's him over there talking to Ky."

Kyanite aka ky is cool and got hella potential but he just wanna be in the streets so bad, I didn't really like hanging around him because he was always in some drama with the wrong people, and I ain't like that so I tried to stay away from him, a reason why I wasn't gone come today, but I still did.

"Wassup jay." I said walking up to him and hugging him tight. "Hey Ky."

"Wassup love how you been?"

"I been good, just finished my junior year." I said smiling at him.

"That's wassup, I like me a smart girl."

I laughed thinking this man really tryna hit on me.

"Chill nigga, my lil sis don't need no niggas tryna hit on her." Jay said hitting him on his back in a playful way.

"You know I'm fucking around, go ahead and enjoy y'all selves I'll see y'all, I'm finna go make a call."

He pulled out his phone and made his way into his house.

"Jay you know my grandma been asking about you, she miss you."

"Imma stop by tomorrow and see what she been up to, she better be cooking too."

"Yo fat ass always wanna eat."

We were talking amongst our selves having a good time until I heard my name being called.


I turned around and seen my biggest fan, Janiah. I looked at her waiting for her to talk.

"You know what I'm over here for."

I stood there just looking at her with a confused ass look on my face really tryna figure out what the fuck she was talking about. I couldn't come up with nothing.

"I don't know, please enlighten me."

"You tryna fuck with my man Fredo again, how many times I gotta tell you to stay the fuck away from him."

I looked at Kennedy and we both laughed.

"Bitch if you don't get yo funky ass on ain't nobody worried about his hoe ass." Kennedy said.

I laughed and held up my hand tryna catch my breath.

"Shorty you got shit all mixed up cause fredo was tryna holla at me." I said while pointing at myself. "how about you stay up out my face and keep yo man in check."

Her lip turned up and she start rolling her neck as she was talking.

"Bitch you need to keep yo self in check, and stay the fuck away from my man."

"Take yo hoe ass on and go get fucked by butta again, why you be so worried about me."

Her face turned red, and she looked like she was finna run up until Jay put his arm up.

"That's enough get yo ass on for real."

"I don't know why u putting yo arm up cause ain't nobody finna touch me, and I put that on yo life Bitch."

Jay looked at me as if he wanted me to shut up so I did rolling my eyes at him.

"I got yo ass bitch." She looked me up and down and then walked off lookin all stank.

"What ever hoe."

"You need to stop giving hoes like her the time of day." Jay said turning my way.

"What the fuck I'm supposed to do sit there and let her talk shit?"

"Walk away from her ass is what you need to be doing, you got too much to lose."

He was right but walk away my ass.

"Yeah aight jay, like you finna walk away from a nigga like that."

He looked at me with side eyes and pushed my head, causing me to smile.

"You better than me Love."

I looked at him and smiled, he always knew what to say and do in any situation, that's why me and Kennedy love him so much.

"Y'all corny." Kennedy said breaking the silence.

"I'm not Better than you, so stop saying it."

Jay was a good dude but he always denied it cause he felt like he wasn't.

"Dont start getting all sweet and shit." He grabbed us putting his arms around our shoulders and start walking towards the food. "Let's get something to eat."


We were sitting at our table with ky and a few other people just chilling and eating.

"Nah but for real, I just wanna get up out the hood, my brother Onyx already in the streets deep and shit but I don't wanna be like that."

Every body stay talking about ky brother onyx, hoes stayed saying he was fine, and niggas stayed saying he ain't nobody to fuck with, but I never seen him so I didn't get the hype.

"Nigga you sound crazy." This dude named chad said.

"No you don't sound crazy ky, I believe in you."

"Thanks love."

I smiled at him and he smiled back at me, and looked down at his hands.

"Y'all ugly." Chad said ruining his moment he was having, ky always liked me and he was cute, but I just didn't find him attractive, he was more like a friend.

"HE GOT A GUN." everybody automatically start screaming running and dropping food.

Gun shots went off, and blood splattered all over my face.

I stood there stuck while everyone else was running, jay grabbed me and Kennedy's arm practically dragged us to his car.

As he was dragging us I seen Ky on the ground, not moving at all, and 2 dudes hopping into a black car and then zooming off.

"Y'all good."

"NO! KY'S BLOOD IS ALL OVER US!" Kennedy said while crying.

So much was going through my head right now, I just seen ky somebody I've known since 6th grade on the floor with a bullet in the back of his head... We was just having a good time, why do shit like this always happen, I hate it here.



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