Comfort from a friend

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Annabeth's pov

I don't know what happened. I don't know how it happened, but it did. My whole world came crashing down in a few simple sentences.

It all started when Percy said he wanted to talk....

"Hey Annabeth?" Percy had asked. "Yeah Perc?" I had replied while I looked at Dedalus's laptop. I was working on reading a blueprint.

Percy sighed and said "I think we need a break..." I turned around surprised and gaped at him. He hesitated but continued "I-I just don't quite think we're working out anymore. I mean I-I kinda like someone else..." with that he left and I sat there. I just sat there...

Now after 30 minutes of staring at the wall I feel tears well in my eyes. I put Dedalus's laptop on my desk and lay back down on the bed. Tears start streaming down my face faster and faster until a horrible moan escapes my mouth.

I bawl letting out my pain and frustration. My broken sobs fill the cabin and echo off the walls. The sound like a donkey being raped and then murdered.

I grab a tissue off the desk and blow my nose. I throw it away and then I hear a knock on the door. I grab another tissue and walk to the door.

I slowly open the door and peer out. Standing before me is Piper. Her expression showing worry. "Annabeth, may I come in?" she asks, the concern in her voice evident.

I step aside allowing Piper to walk in. I close the door and turn only to get stuck in a tight embrace. I'm surprised but hug back.  "I'm sorry..." piper whispers and I choke up.

I bury my face deep in her neck and bawl some more. Piper strokes my hair as another horrible moans escape my mouth. I pull away, tears still rushing down my face.

"Let's go to my cabin and talk." piper says as she grabs my hand and pulls me out the door. As we're walking we hear loud noises from Zeus cabin.

Piper halts and I bump into her. "What is that noise?" She asks and I ponder it for a second but give up all the same. She drags me towards the door and knocks.

No one answers and the noise continues. She try's the door knob and it doesn't budge. She looks at me pleadingly and I sigh.

I let go of Piper's hand and kick the door in. It swings open with a loud screech and we walk in. There isn't a sign of anyone until we move towards the other side of Zeus's statue.

There we find two tall males kissing. Piper pulls them apart and there stands Jason and My now ex, Percy. Devastation crosses Pipers face and she starts crying.

I wrap my arms around Piper and anger fills my veins. "What the hades is going on!" I shout at the two men standing in front of us.  Jason puts his arms around Percy and Percy wraps his around  Jason.

"We love each other." Jason states flatly while looking at Percy with passion. Piper cries harder and I snap. I let go of Piper and grab Percy by the shirt.

"You back stabbing, evil, asshole!" I shout while I take a swing at his face. Jason steps in and pushes me away. I get up and Piper shouts "stop!"

I look at her and regret fills my heart. She sniffles and wraps her arm around my waist. I hold her gently and sneer at the two boys. I then direct us towards the door and walk out from the seen.

Devastation and pain written on our faces and in our hearts. We walk to Aphrodite cabin and go to Piper's bunk. She lays down and puts her face in the pillow and starts bawling. I lay next to her and wrap  my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. Piper turns and looks at me. Her eyes are red and her nose runny but she's still beautiful.

She nestles her head into my chest and falls asleep. I hold her there and then whisper "love you Piper" and fall asleep too.

A/n: sorry it took so long. I hope you guys liked it.

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