Chapter 1

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Regina looked down happily at her beautiful daughter as she placed her in the stroller preparing for their family picnic in the park.

"Robin, did you prepare the diaper bag?" Regina said happily, retaining her smile from the beauty of her daughter.

"Yes, everything is packed and ready to go, my love," Robin says as he walks up and kisses his wife on the cheek. Bending down to catch a glance at his beautiful daughter, Robin is all smiles as he says "and how is my lovely baby girl doing today?" Turning to Regina he continues, "Looking as gorgeous and lovely as her perfect mother." Robin reaches out to Regina and brings her in close for a loving kiss.

They are interrupted by the sound of Henry and Roland coming down the stairs. "Mommy, I want to push my baby sister to the park!" Roland insisted as he approached Riley. "Hi, sissy! We're going to the park today!" Roland says to his baby sister with joy.

"Not so fast there my boy." Robin chuckles as he stops Roland who is starting to push his baby sister out the door. "We still need to get the food and you need to help your brother gather the picnic supplies."

"Ok, daddy. But don't leave without me! Come on Henry. We have to get the stuff for our picnic!" Roland reaches for Henry's hand as he leads him to the kitchen to gather the supplies Regina had prepared the night before. "Hang on little buddy," Henry says as he calms down his excited little brother. "I still have to pack my stuff. How about you help me, then we will get the things for the picnic?"

"Okay, Henry! I'll help you." Roland gladly obliges.

It had been 3 years since Marian's death and 2 years since Robin finally mustered up the courage to profess his love to his one and only. During the last months of life, Marian suffered from a frozen heart that could not be thawed. Not even by her supposed true love and husband, Robin Hood could save her. Even Regina's powers were no match for Marian's untimely death. Robin knew what he had to do. He had to let go. Regina had felt bad for him and became his support system for Robin and Roland. Realizing how loving and caring Regina could be, the spark they once had reignited but this time with more passion, love, and resilience.

Packing Riley's things into her diaper bag, Robin glances over every so often as Regina packs the stroller and lovingly talking to their little girl. With a smile on his face, he remembers the time he professed his love to his one and only. As he continues packing, he is remembering the day he professed his love and a smile makes its way across his face and he silently chuckles to himself as he remembers that day.

It was the day when Regina was continuing Operation Mongoose to find the writer of the book. It wasn't until Robin paid a visit to Regina who was sitting in her vault looking at the book and finally professed his love and confessed his emotions to his soon to be wife. On that same day, Robin realized that Regina was his true soul mate and remembered the time when they had their night in front of the fireplace. He remembered the words Regina told him about The Man with the Lion Tattoo. How she was too scared to approach him. How she wondered what it would have been like to just walk through that door and introduce herself. Robin saw the vulnerability in Regina, the agony and defeat of trying to pursue her happiness. If Robin could help mend the tear in Regina's heart, he was determined to win her over by lending his heart out to her.

As Robin approaches the vault, he sees Regina glancing at the book in the stunning red dress he loved her in. He slowly walks up to her when Regina realizes that he walks in.

"Why am I getting the sense of Déjà vu?" Regina says with mild annoyance.

Walking closer to her Robin begins to profess his emotions.

"Regina, I want to talk. I must be honest with you, when Marian came back, I was relieved. But deep down inside my heart, I was devastated. I knew I had to remain a loyal and faithful man to draw the image of a true man for my son." Robin said hesitantly yet relieved to be finally spilling out what has been eating him up inside. "I did love Marian. But when I was with you, I felt complete. I felt whole. I felt actual love that I apparently did not have with Marian. I did not know what I was missing until I allowed you into my life and opened up my heart to your vulnerability."

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