The Wedding At Last

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I can't believe that I'm getting married. I'm getting married today. Yongguk comes in the room but before I can get to see too much of him Natasha and Himchan make me face forward. Natasha doing my hair and Himchan my make up. Stuff I didn't want done. In the mirror I see him let someone else in the room. Doing my best not to touch my face I hurry over to my grandmother.

"Halmoni! Oh! My! Gosh! I missed you!"

"No cursing? I see that boy has changed you."

I pout, "Natasha Unni keeps hitting me when I curse."

My grandmother bursts into laughter hugging Natasha. With my grandmother here I actually feel calmer. Weird. Yongguk gives me a knowing smile. "Who's giving you away Minnie?"

"Gukkie Oppa. Himchan and Zelo are my bridesmaids. Jong Up and Youngjae are the groomsmen."

I let Natasha and Himchan finish up before turning to my grandmother. She tells me about my mother and what's been going on the Shin side of things. New cousins, new drama, and the same old same old really. I made sure to tell my grandmother about my bundle to be swearing her to secrecy. Daehyun and his family needed to be keep the dark. I wanted to wait until after the wedding to break it to him.

"Alright, let's get this dress on you so you can go out there and get your man."

Daehyun stands there at the altar waiting rather impatiently for her to appear. He and the others were dressed in purple just like she wanted. Everything stopped when she came into the room. Daehyun couldn't help the large smile on his face. Even those she was a pervert deep down, she looked like an angel. Blushing cheeks and shy smile. His Minnie. His beautiful Minnie. His beautiful wife.

Yongguk hands her off to Daehyun with a big gummy grin. Daehyun held her hands smiling at her. God, he loved her. Min Hyo fidgets nervously making him worried.

"Do you Jung Dae Hyun take Shin Min Hyo to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you Shin Min Hyo take Jung Dae Hyun to be your husband?"


Daehyun sighs happily smiling as bright as he could at her. "...I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Min Hyo's the one to kiss him making the four friends around them laugh. Daehyun couldn't help but love this. His beautiful wife. His and no one else's. The reception's a bit strange given Daehyun let his parents come to it. His father fuming but his mother well... she's too drunk to be bothered. He ignored them focusing on his wife.

"Let's dance. Come on."

"Oh no! I do not dance!"

"Come on. I'll help you. Humor me."

"But Dae—"

"Come on Honey." He tested the pet name out. It didn't sound too weird. "You can dance I'll show you how. Plus afterwards you get to hear me sing for you."

"You're going to sing?"

"Just for you." Daehyun smiles triumphantly as she stands up. The two go on to the dance floor people clearing way for them. She leans her head on Daehyun's shoulder wrapping her hand around his bicep. Daehyun holds her free hands wrapping an arm around her waist. "I love you Minnie."

"Hyunnie...I have to tell you something."

"What is it Honey?"

"I'm pregnant."

Daehyun stops pulling away to look at her. "What? A-are you sure?"

"I took a test. ...are you mad?"

Daehyun lifts her up spinning her around laughing. "How can I be mad? That's wonderful Minnie! How long have you known? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Shut up and kiss me~"

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