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Celey woke to the room filled with hushed voices.Her head ached and she tried to sit up but winced when she felt the IV pulling on her arm.warm,gentle hands surrounded her,warming her,calming her.For a moment she didn't know who was holding her,or where she was,looking all around her she saw that she was in the pack hospital,with her pack,and Lucas sitting by her side.side. Celey's heart skipped a beat.Lucas sat by her side,holding on to her like she was the most precious thing in the world.His hair was disheveled,his eyes had shadows from underneath them from lack of sleep.

"How long have you sat there?"Celey rasped.Her thought was dry,and the more she opened her mouth to speak,the more she wanted some cool water to drink .

"Long enough to threaten the whole faculty and staff on call"Cashmere said moving the front of the bed and smiling at her.

"Maybe if they knew how to do their jobs,I wouldn't have had to threaten them-"Lucas stopped when he felt Celey's small hand reach out and clasp his.

"I am thankful that you were by my side Lucas thank you.you. Cashmere what in gods name happened to you?"Celey asked warily.She was tired but was not ready to submit to the sleep that she desperately needed.

Lucas took her small hand in his own and leaned down to place a soft gently kiss in the middle of her palm. Immediately sparks flew all around them,creating a bubble just for the two of them.

"Celey I know that I have screwed up big time with you.I rejected you when I should have kept you near me and for that I am extremely sorry.I have been an awful mate,and a horrible person,but you have stood by me,and taken everything that I have thrown at you with Flying colors,please accept my apology-"

"I already forgave you,you idiot.I love you I thought you knew that when I risked my life to save you-"

"I have been such a fool,say you will be my wife,my Luna,the mother of my pups,I swear on my life and thereafter that I will stand by you when you need me.I will be there for our children,Our pack,will you marry me and make me the happiest man on earth?"Lucas got down on one knee and pulled out a black satin box.

Tears shed from her eyes,as Celey nodded slowly,as Lucas stood up and put the diamond ring on her finger,she reached out and clasped his head in her hands and kissed him.The kiss went on and on until one didn't know when the end of it ended.

The Pack,family,friends were all there to witness their bond of love. Celey and Lucas both smiled at each other with happiness.They both knew that when hard times hit,they would always find their way back to each other,no matter what. Laughing,Lucas leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips to show her just how much he loved her.

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