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My notes

I don't even know why i am even doing this.


As Oliver entered the throne room, Sairon, the lord of time unleashed his full amount of time power on him. Oliver was almost pushed to the very edge of sanity and then some more over the line. As Oliver screamed Sairon talked. Sairon spoke calmly but forcefully, telling him of his father's mistake of trying to be fair to all being and creatures. "Your father was weak, trying to rule but to allow all creatures to be equal" Said Sairon, "the problem for your father when I took command was that the one fateful flaw of men, the want for power over all creatures, no matter how small." Then as Oliver replied with "he may have been weak, but what he thought was right" the room changed.

With the blast of time energy sending both of them back in time to the start of Sairon's entry into the world Boneland. As Sairon bombarded Oliver with time energy, Oliver realised where they were exactly. They were at the home of the one place Oliver wanted to be at that moment in time.

Oliver shouted at the one moment that counted throughout the entire universe "now Sergio fulfil your promise for the future. As Sergio prepares and fires his arrow at Sairon. The arrow goes straight and true, but just before it hits Sairon, both Oliver and Sairon jump forward in time. This time they are time-transported to fifteen years into the future from when they are fighting in the throne room. The future was with every creature and being enslaved and the symbol of Sairon, the white circle, on every chain and every being building one thing: an enormous nuke. "You see now, everything you do now is pointless" said Sairon, "whatever happens back in the throne room will change nothing".

When they travelled back to the throne room, Oliver may have thought that all was pointless but his desire for the death of Sairon was far greater. As Sairon arrived in the throne room alone after only two minutes after Oliver and Sairon had left when Sairon turned around, Oliver was behind him. With his sword pointed directly at his back. Oliver had been in the throne room for just one minute and thirty second. This time difference was caused by Oliver pushing Sairon out of the vortex one millisecond before he jumped out himself. Allowing him to get out later had put him back in time enough to prepare for Sairon's arrival. As Oliver thrust his sword forward, the blow killed Sairon instantly.

As he looked at Sairon's body he found his father's amulet and Sairon's time manipulator. Oliver left the throne room to tell his friend's that he had defeated Sairon. As Oliver wondered what the future held for him he finally discovered what his destiny was, Oliver's fathers amulet began to change his mind, changing it to be like his soul. His soul was even darker than Sairon's. His destiny was to destroy the known world.


more might be added at a later date. this story (extract) is an English assignment draft, so spelling mistakes may be in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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