The Crystal Lake

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          The lake was still and shiny as glass, as if he could walk all the way across. He stood there, breathing deep imagining what it would be like if we won. The Queen was lost to the dark, and it was our job to protect her. "She's gone, Evie, and we have to get her back." Revin speaks while staring at the glass lake. The lake that has now claimed the lives of most of the kingdom's inhabitants, along with our Queen. "How do you suppose we'll do that, Revin?" The Crystal Lake is more deceiving than it looks, it will take everything from you and leave you with nothing but the clothes on your back. 

          That is exactly why we cannot retrieve our precious Queen or people. Due to the Crystal Lakes unforgiving nature, and the demons that reside here, we can't act. "I wish I knew," his voice breaks as he raises his hand to wipe away what I'm guessing was a tear. "Revin..." I trail off as a dark misshapen figure sails through the sky, presumably right for this lake. "Evie," Revin takes a small step back, "we need to run - now!" before I can realize what is happening, my hand is in his and we are sprinting through the forest once again.

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