Reason Two- Because I hate Noah With a Passion

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Chapter two!! Let's go! If you enjoy, please vote and comment!


A couple of minutes pass as I continue sitting against the door. Why was he here? I always thought he wanted to attend one of those Ivy League schools. Our college wasn't one that was known for anything and it was in the middle of nowhere, ten hours from where we lived.


"Oliver! Come on!! We're going to be late for the last day!"

I was in the middle of looking in the mirror and fixing my hair. I scrunch it up under my hands before letting it go. It was messy as if I just rolled out of bed, but decent enough to make the girls swoon. I smile, only one girl really mattered though. I ignore Noah as he continues to yell through the door. I still didn't understand why he thought our last day of sophomore year was important. Wasn't it just another day?

"Get your panties out of a twist!" I grab my bag off the ground and open the door revealing a flustered looking Noah. "Why is this even important? It's not like we're graduating." I walk down the stairs with him following close behind.

"Imagine it! We both get our drivers licenses this summer, we get some sun, and we go into junior year looking like we're walking onto a movie scene! Not to mention that we both made it onto the varsity soccer team! We will be the two most popular guys in school! Too bad you're dating my sister; you would have girls all over you if you weren't."

He rambles on about how our senior year is going to be "the best year yet".

"Maybe we should start thinking about college. College is important."

He tilts his head to the side. "Yeah, but hot girls would be even better!"

I shake my head and chuckle. Sometimes he was just too much.

"Hot girls don't get you into college," I retort. I look at the ground in front of me. The only girl I ever thought about was Nixie. Noah was finally accepting of me dating his sister, but there were still times that I thought he was a bit sour about it.

"Also, next year we won't have to walk to school every day! Drivers licenses mean cars!" Noah says playfully.

I look up at him. "Yeah, but what about college? Have you even started thinking about where you'd want to go," I ask him quizzically.

His playful blue eyes look up at me and he smiles, showing off his dimple. I always thought it was weird how he only had one..

"Of course I have! I'm going to go to one of those Ivy League schools!"

Ivy League? Well, I mean he did have the grades and the extracurricular. He probably wouldn't have that hard of a time making it into a school like that.

"I'd rather go to a school that's cheaper and closer to home."

We both look down at the ground. Noah was fortunate and had parents who would pay his tuition. I however would have to take out loans and I don't feel like being in debt the rest of my life.


I look up at the ceiling and sigh. From the other side of the door, I could hear Noah's phone ringing before he answers with a gruff "hello."

I go to stand up, but stop when he says "yeah, yeah mom. I know." I remember his mom, Noah looks a lot like her. So did his sister. All were blessed with the same beautiful blue eyes and curly, chestnut brown hair.

"Yeah, I'm settled down." Its quiet for a moment before he continues talking. "Yeah, I just met him a couple of minutes ago. I think his name started with an "o." I can't remember. He'll probably make a good roommate, so don't worry."

He didn't tell her that his roommate was me. Did she still blame me for what happened? She probably did, Noah never seemed to mention what really happened that night. No one mentioned it in general. I lean back against the door as Noah finishes his call. I put my head back and it thuds against the door.

"Hello?" I scramble to get up but lose my footing and fall over. Noah opens the door and glares down at me. "What the fuck are you doing, Oliver? Were you eavesdropping?"

I look up at him and return the glare.

"No, I have no interest. I just got back from talking to the dorm advisor. No room switches are available." I knew that saying this would make his ego inflate because he was right, but I needed to know if he ever told anyone the truth. I was going to make him forget the past and trust me, then when he least expected it, I was going to ruin him. I could suck it up and live with him for a while.

I hated him with a passion, and I was going to make sure he knew it.


I really hope you enjoyed! Bye for now!

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