Chapter 13

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Rumplestiltskin's POV

"Look, Rumplestiltskin." Emma says, rubbing her sore eyes. "I know you may not sleep, being a beast an' all, but I am shattered. So if you don't mind, I'll do this in the morning." She turns around and pats Snow on the back, causing her to turn around and walk with Emma.

I gritt my teeth dying to shout at her and tell her to help me, but of course, she's right and I can't really stop her. As their silhouettes disappear in the darkness of the night, I walk back into my shop, knowing there's not much for me to do right now.

I sit down on my armchair in the corner of the room and think. Think about Belle. Is there really a point in me wasting my time over her if she's not going to believe me? 

If I'm trying to find my son, my Baelfire. I cannot let anything get in the way. Nothing. Not even her. 

I close my eyes and dread the thought of letting go, when a sudden poofing sound interrupts my thoughts. I don't open my eyes, just wait for her voice. It's obvious who it is, I just don't know why she's here.

"And you're here, why?" I ask, staying comfy in my old battered chair. I hear her shoes clop against the tiled floor as she walks in circles before finding the words the speak.

"I know what you're searching for." She hisses. My eyes open the very second she finishes. Jumping out of my seat, I walk up to her, staring into her unbearably evil eyes. I can feel my nails digging into my hands, but it really doesn't hurt me, or if it does, I'm not taking any notice.

"What do you know?" I growl, gritting my teeth and twitching my nose. I just want to hurt her, get rid of her. I wait in anticipation for the dreadful reply, she knows. 

"You're litte Baelfire. Ha! Little? He's much older now though isn't he? He doesn't want to see you. He hates you Rumplestiltskin, you broke a deal with him and he wants nothing to do with you now." She laughs, finding it so joyous to metaphorically put a knife through what remains of my heart.

She steps closer and puts her face almost touching mine, her soft human nose rubs off my crooked green nose, allowing me to feel her breath reach down my mouth and to my chin. "That's what I know." She ends, yet again laughing. 

In hysterics, she pulls away and walks towards the door, knowing she's almost done. Almost. She has magic and she wouldn't need to walk out, she could just teleport herself elsewhere, but she wants a reaction. 

Stupidly, I allow her to win this round. "You're lying. You don't know my son, I do. I know he'll be searching for me. Just like I'm searching for him." I walk upto the door, where she's stood and stare at her, waiting for her reply. You're lying. That's what I said to her twenty-eight years ago about Belle being dead and I was right. Maybe.. Hopefully I'm right this time too.

"Am I?" She repeats herself, as I did. Her smirk almost cutting through me like glass. "Maybe I don't know your son, maybe I do. Either way, you let him go and if he was searching for you, he would've found you by now. He clearly doesn't like you. Nor does anyone else in this Town, you've been dumped by your little Belle and now you're all alone, looking for something you'll probably never find." This time, she doesn't laugh, just smiles and slowly reaches for the handle.

My fury rises inside my, never have I been so annoyed, not even with Belle, or any other person in that matter. The only person I've truely been so annoyed at like this.. Is me.

My eagre hands reach out and grab the cuffs on her collar, I pull her closer to me and she chokes a little. I turn her around, putting one hand on the top of her hand and the other under her chin, getting ready for the dreamful noise of her cruel, mean, horrid neck snapping in two.

I make my grip tight and as she struggles, I make it tighter. Soon enough my hands are so tight around her head that she gives in, knowing that if she struggles too much she'll snap her own kneck. You see, this is an advantage of being a beast. I can't die like normal humans can, you need power or the Dark One's knife to kill me.

Then something stops me, my head shoots up as though someone has shouted me, but there's nothing but silence. Yet still, my head remains up.

I turn my head to look out the window, seeing the one thing that couldn't be more relevant at this point. Her eyes lock onto mine for seconds as she stands still. Then she moves them a little looking down in shock, watching my actions.

Her mouth opens when she realises what's happening and she closes her eyes, scrunching up any little respect she had left for me.

I untighten my hands and allow them to slowly slip from around Regina's head, not taking my eyes off Belle. She opens her eyes as she see's my hands releasing and smiles a little. 

A little flame inside of me lights as I feel as though I've done something right, taking a few steps back, I open the door and run outside. To my horror, she's gone, as if she's just vanished out of thin air. I'm sure she was there... wasn't she?

I sigh a little, knowing this little internal flame has gone out and walk back inside the shop, finding it empty. She's gone. I lock the door and click my fingers, finding myself outside my house, where I'll start practicing my magic.

Belle's POV

I lay on the bed in the room I just booked, thanks to Henry. I stare up at the ceiling, just thinking about my day. What am I to do?

I grab a pillow and hug it, still obliviously staring upwards. As I squeeze the pillow I allow my needful tears to pour out, knowing things haven't been easily lately.  As each drop rolls down my cheeks I sit and wonder about things. 

What if Rumple was telling the truth? What if she was just being sympathetic? Where's my Papa? Does Rumplestiltskin still love me? 

So many questions fly around my head, making it ache a little. I sit up and sigh, wiping all the water from my face. I turn the lamp on, making it easier to see from the pitch black of the night. Walking over to the wardrobe, I take off my pyjamas and put on a dress that Red had lent me when I got the room.

Locking my door, I go downstairs and outside, making sure I don't wake anyone else up. I walk around the streets allowing the freezing cold wind blow on me, I don't know where I'm going either, I still haven't had time to work my way around here yet, I'm just following my feet. As I do, I stare up at the stars, watching all the little yellowy-white dots twinkle in the contrasting coloured sky. It's honestly beautiful.

As I look down again, I slowly start to recognise where I am. The street lights are dim, but one building stands out the most. All the lights are on, but it's still far too dark to read the writing on the sign.

I continue making my way down, when I finally get a view through the window. Stopping in my tracks, I stare into the building. There's lots of things inside, but mainly, I see two figures. One's struggling, but is slowly stopping and the other is stood, holding on to its head.

My eyes take time to ajust, but when they do, I know exactly who they are and where I am. As realisation hits me, it hits him too. He looks up and out of the window, staying in the same possition momentarily. My mind fills with worry, knowing he's about to kill a person. Then I suddenly have a rush of anger. He's going to break his promise...I close my eyes and tighten my fists, just to soon give up and open them again.

For a long moment, and as though time freezes, we stand there. He stares at me, she lays still anticipating her end and I stand outside, watching in shame, yet with my mouth hanging open.

Then, without a doubt, he lets go of Regina and she drops to her hands and knee's, probably relieved by the fact she's alive.

I smile a little at Rumple. I'm glad he didn't do it, we've argued so much, yet he still intends on keeping his promise. Maybe he really wasn't lying about Emma...

My mind soon reminds me that I'm outside and need to get back, my heart reminds me that he's about to come outside. I can't talk to him, not yet. And with that, my legs start moving and I hide round the corner.

A little part of me tells me I should have stayed. Sighing, I walk back to my new home and finally fall asleep.

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