Part 9

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I wake up the morning after with the site of the night before scattered across David's bedroom floor, it puts a smile on my face feeling David's arm creep across my torso and pulling me into him.

"Good morning" he whispers in my ear, I turn to face David he had just as big of a smile on his as I did. I slide my arm over him and rub my hand over his back,

"Good morning" I whisper back. I move closer to him; so close that i can feel his breath on my face.

"Are you okay? You were tossing and turning all night"

"Yeah, I just kept thinking about last night" I tell him

"You're glad it happened right?" he asks

"Of course I am, it just kept playing in my head," I explain. David rolls on top of me with his arms stretched,

"I can assure you, it was not a dream" He tells me before kissing my collarbone. I pull him to my lips, I push him away and smile;

"Leftovers for breakfast?" I ask, David kisses me then smiles

"You read my mind" he says before throwing the covers of and picks his boxers of the floor before putting them on, I find mine and pull them on before David and I go downstairs.

The rest of the weekend seemed to go by in a flash, I had a shower and packed my bag before going downstairs to help David clean up. He was stood in the kitchen by the sink, I walk over to him and slide my arms around his torso and rest my head on his shoulder;

"Do you think we'll be able to go back to acting like were just friends?" I whisper

"We managed this long" he replies

"Only just" I explain, David turns in my arms throwing his arms around my neck

"We'll be fine, you worry too much"

"Have you met my family? I'm surprised I don't worry more" I laugh, I go upstairs and grab my bag; I kiss David goodbye and head home.

I get home and go straight up stairs to my room, I unpack my bag throwing the dirty clothes in the dirty washing basket and put my aftershave and other belongings on my bed to sort out later then push the bag back under my bed. I pull out the remaining parts of my homework and sit at my desk tapping my pen on the page, A knock on my door frame takes me attention from my science homework; Elizabeth stood there with a smile on her face.

"You're home early" she hums

"Well I couldn't stay there all day" I tell her

"I'm sorry you had to come home" she laughs

"So am I, but life has to go on" I smile and turn back to my homework.

Hours later and My mother calls me down for dinner. I walk down and take my usual seat at the dinner table, I pick at my food unable to eat much; is it really possible to actually miss someone you just left this much?

"Mrs Johnson called" my mother says, my heart skips a beat; had she found out? Did David tell her? I calm my breathing down before asking,

"What did she have to say"

"She was recommending the bed and breakfast she stayed at, something out of a fairy tale as she described it." My mother sings, I wipe my face with my napkin and excuse myself going upstairs and grabbing my phone calling David, I close the door as my phone starts to ring.

"Miss me that much?" He asks answering the phone

"Yes but that's not why I'm calling"

"I'm seeing tomorrow can't it wait?" He asks

"Did you know your mother called mine?" I asks

"She may have mentioned it"

"I nearly chocked on my dinner when my mother told us" I can hear him laughing,

"What did you think she was going to say?" He asks after he had stopped laughing

"I thought maybe I had forgotten something or maybe she saw something" I say

"You mean the big purple bruise like thing on my back?" He asks

"Yes the hickey"

"Ew don't say that it sounds so dirty" he says, I can hear the cringe in his voice

"What would you rather me call it?" I ask

"A love bite"

"A love bite? Are we twelve?" I ask jokingly laying on my bed

"I hope not, otherwise Friday night was very wrong" he laughs

"If that was wrong then I don't want to be right" I tell him, he chuckles

"I love you" he says after a moment of silence

"I love you too"

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