chapter 20

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   Jyre's POV
         half of me telling that I succeed in my first plan to show them that I can be famous without them but the other part telling me I'm not ..Why? .. It is because my sister Jade are blaming me to ruin her party ...even if she didn't tell me that she trully blaming me  for what happened .... I myself can sense it...Even if she grew up far from me I can tell that she and Kate have an opposite attitude... Jade have the attitude that what she wants what she get..but on the other hand which is Kate she have the attitudes that everyone wants.. A good one of course..
Dali Dali kong kinuha ang aking cellphone.. Tinignan ang caller.. Unregister..hmm sino kaya to??
"Hello " casualkongsabi
"Jyreiha ..this is your mom can we have coffee?" Oh it's my mother thought itwas never mind
" sure, where and what time?" .
" Iwill text you the address and if you have  time ..can we have at 3 this afternoon."
"Oh sure mo---mean Mrs. Sy" before she would talk again ended the call..
Afte rfew minutes my cellphone vibrated.
And it'sfrom my mom telling m ethe address...and Ireplied OK..
  It's that rude if I reply ok with my mom?? Well I guess its not... It would be more rude if I didn't reply any..


  I arrived 10 minutes before the call time.I sureky hate them but still i have my respect and most specially she's my mom like whatever.

 While I'm waiting her i browse in the internet most specially in my instagram ..well i'm a model very proud of it.

" you're to early" someone said, is she referring to me

" hey jyre it's your mom" mom? seriously do i have one

" oh there you are mrs. sy , don't bother to order i already did when your not here , so lets wait and please staright to the topic" i said in a very cold voice, she deserves it

"it' about us " she 

"sooooo, what about us" i said

" it's not just us we are family remember" she said

"well do i have one?" i said in a sarcastic voice you deserve it 

" In behalf of your father and i we are very sorry if we are not able to support you in modeling industry"

"sorry?? really??, well your sorry is too late because i can stand on my own with or without your fucking help" sa bi ko sa kanya 

"so that's it , if that so i'm going i'm a very busy and demand model in the world INDEED"as i said that i get my pouch and went straight to the parking lot...

 Maybe one day our family will be happy again but not now it's too complicated


Revenge of the nerdy-pigTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon