2. Looks like I have a crush.

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Now that they've encountered one another once, the universe has decided that they should run into each other as often as possible.

That's what Lisa thinks, anyway. She's still not sure if it's a good thing.

The flower shop happens to be sandwiched between the tattoo parlour and the shared parking lot for both their stores. Now that Flower Shop Girl is on her radar, Lisa feels almost obligated to wave to her through the flower shop window every day as she walks from her car to the tattoo parlour – almost obligated, because Lisa kind of likes watching Flower Shop Girl light up with a smile whenever she passes by. It's a really cute reaction, she thinks.

They say hello – and the occasional how are you – whenever they walk in or out of their stores at the same time. Lisa thinks that it's a surprisingly common incident, having happened three times in the last week alone.

And yeah, maybe she still doesn't know Flower Shop Girl's name, but she thinks it's almost better this way – if the girl doesn't have a name, then Lisa can't get attached.

That's the way these things work, right?


As it turns out, that is not the way these things work.

Lisa likes to think that she's somewhat self-aware. She knows how to analyse her emotions, to understand why she's feeling a particular way. Lately, she's been feeling unusually giddy about coming in to work every day.

She comes to find that the reason behind her sudden enthusiasm is quite obvious.


It's confirmed when she reads a WikiHow article called "How to Recognise That You Have a Crush on Someone" and identifies strongly with the points from Method 2 (Being Near Your Crush):

"Do you suddenly feel like you might like to curl up into a ball when your crush is around? Do you blush incessantly and can't seem to raise your eyes up from that suddenly very interesting speck of dirt on the ground? Do you suddenly feel like you don't have anything witty or interesting to say?"

"The most common sign of having a crush is the feeling that you have a million butterflies flying around inside you when that special someone is around. It can also feel like your heart does a leap when you see your crush and you feel warm and giddy. Do you suddenly feel nervous but excited at the same time?"

"Do you suddenly feel like you're tongue-tied? Having a crush can sometimes make people feel embarrassed and like they don't have anything to say. If you are normally talkative but suddenly clam up when that special person is around, you most likely have a crush."

Well, Lisa thinks forlornly. Looks like I have a crush.

It's not like it was a difficult thing to do, she reasons. She isn't really one for hyperboles, but Flower Shop Girl is possibly (read: probably) the cutest person that she has ever seen in her entire life – how anyone could resist having a crush on her was beyond Lisa.

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