act four { a recollection of hearts }

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"So, this is the place?"

Stopped in front of the water fountain at the park, Usagi crossed her arms while holding her transformation brooch tight in her hands. Makoto rested a hand on the girl's shoulder while the rest of the group rounded the area, making sure the coast was clear and no witnesses could see a thing.  

"Yes. This will be the most center-point to catch the Moon at her zenith, and it's also the most private at this time." Luna's voice gathered all the girls attention with her words. "Before we embark on our travels, I recommend you girls transform. We don't know if anyone from the Dark Kingdom may be lurking in the darkness or if raiders are looking for lost treasures."

No girl rose complaints or anymore questions to their advisors request. Silently, as a breeze past through the crisp night, they rose their pens and brooch high in the air and soon bright lights encompassed them.

"Moon Prism Power, Makeup!"

"Mercury Power, Makeup!"

"Mars Power, Makeup!"

"Jupiter Power, Makeup!"

"Venus Power, Makeup!"

As the commands cried throughout the air, flashes of blue, red, yellow, and green basked the fountain before the breeze past. Standing tall with resolve burning in her eyes, Sailor Moon turned to Sailor Venus as the group held each others hands. Luna and Artemis were collected by their respective owner and commanded their next move. 

"Now, harness all your power into making your way to the Moon. Only think about arriving there safely! No other thought should cloud your mind!" Shutting their eyes with the illustrious planet in mind, the Sailor Guardians held tight onto each other when a portal formed before them from their released power, almost within the fountain. Even though the thought of travelling through space still rattled their mind, neither Guardian hesitated to jump through the portal. 

And finally, even if it felt like a second, their boots landed on solid ground. "We're here! This is--"

"The Moon?" 

Eerie silence followed behind Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mars' words. The burning hope and anticipation bubbling in their stomachs dropped at the sight of what surrounded them. What was once beauty and splendor unseen within the Universe was lost. Horror was stricken across the Sailor Guardians faces. What stood before them were the ruined remains, shambled wrecks, and cold memories of the once Great Moon Kingdom. As her eyes looked over the barren land, Luna had to close her eyes to imagine what the great civilization looked like during the Silver Millennium. High walls surrounding the kingdom was the only safeguard the remains had from invaders. Sailor Moon's eyes darted from each wreck to ruin as the group walked the long walk. What were once places she and her friends would run to, hide from their responsibilities, and live without fear for the future.  

"This is all that's left after the Great War between the Moon and Earth, Sailor Guardians. No one came out of this alive."

Artemis bowed his head to the carnage he saw. Biting her lips to hold her tears back, Sailor Mercury braced Mars hand for support as their path led them across a large hill. Bracing onto Sailor Mars other hand, Sailor Mercury gazed at everything with through her goggles. When she rose her head to the Moon high above them, a domineering structure stood above the vast land. It was there where the girls would find their answers. When the Guardians reached the flatter terrain--the highest ground in all the land--a slap landed on their cheeks. All the nature they would have seen was drained and dead. The grass that was once the greenest of green beneath their feet was now mulch and grainy. A long bridge connected the rest of the kingdom to the structure Sailor Mercury saw. No word passed a girl's mouth while their hands tightened within each others and crossed the bridge. Behind them was even more silence, but ahead, ahead was the smell of abandonment and death--the Sailor Guardians stood before the greatest tragedy of them all.  

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