A Little bit of truth - #HomeBeforeDarkContest

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Truth can be quite fascinating. Truth is a huge thing to take in. Truth can rather make up a life or destroy it so here's our truth :
Susanne laid in the hospital bed counting days until she would wake in the doors of heaven. She's a woman of great intensity. She knocked on the doors of death and everyone kept telling her that it will be all right just to comfort her, but everyone knew that it wasn't the truth. A week before she said "Listen up, everyone and Dane. I'm seeing my acupuncturist. I'm fighting it the best i can and he said that it's the most i can do." She said it with a big gleam on her delicate face. We all replied "You're going to be all right, Susanne" "Everything's gonna be fine" She seemed happy of knowing that but deep down she didn't believe us and after a month, She laid hopeless on the hospital bed staring at me. 'You're going to be okay' Susanne mother told her. Tears bristled on her eyes. The words were ominous. Susanne had so much life ahead of her and she had to leave it so soon. Her breast cancer drained her body of blood. I told her that she looks good, but she didn't and we both knew it. Her death was inevitable. Just before her admission in the hospital. We reminisced the moment we had together. The time of summer, swimming in the pool, buying ice creams or going to a midnight dance. I was sick of everyone telling her that she'd be okay that everything was going to be fine. I hated everyone for that. If she was leaving this world, at least she should leave it with trust and truth. Susanne turned to me and asked, 'Would it be all right? Will I...Will i be all right?' She barely spoke these few words. I looked at her right in the eye and said 'No'. For the first time i said the truth to her and I hated myself for it. Though, I felt relieved. 'You're not going to be fine, Susanne and I'm very sorry for it. But I promise you that i will love you forever. I'll keep going to the Midnight dance and buy ice creams but they'll never be the same. I'm so sorry.'' I cold heartedly said to her and left the room and went home crying the whole way. The next morning i went back just to learn that she has passed away and left something for me in a note. I opened the note and it said, 'Thank you for being truthful.' At that moment, I felt speechless.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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