Chapter 1

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The moon danced over her good side. Her almost grey hair flew around her face, a piece catching on her lip sticking to the glass like gloss she had on them. Her hand reached up and tugged the flyaway off her face and turned towards me and smiled. My heart ached and I gently smiled back.

"I love how early it gets dark now, shame about it being cold though" She sighed and wrapped the blanket I bought tightly around her shoulders.

"This will always be my favourite view" I spoke quietly staring at her features, her blue eyes piercing into my green ones with slight confusion in them. "The moon is so beautiful during the winter..." My head snapped towards the sky and her line of sight followed mine.

"Yeah it is" She grinned.

We were sat on the roof of my student house, my bedroom window just behind us, our backs leaning on the brickwork. I looked back over to her when I saw her phone light up her face, a small smile creeping up on her lips.

"Who's texting you?" I tried to study her phone for a name.

"Just Chris, he said he's on his way to mine now" She turned her head to look at her house next door to mine.

"Oh yeah, I forgot he was coming to yours. What are you two doing tonight?" I asked with forced interest.

"Well it's a Friday and neither of us have any assignments to do. Probably head down to the pub for a few hours. It's only 6pm now so it's quite early still" She checked the time on her phone. "Join us if you want!"

"I'd love to, but I've got work due in on Monday which I haven't started yet" I lied.

"Harry, you and I both know that you always start your assignments weeks in advance" She laughed light heartedly.

"I know Rose but this one I forgot about, only remembered today" Rose didn't believe my lie but brushed it off anyway.

"Okay sure. Well if you change your mind we will be at the local until close probably" Her phone lit up again, this time with Chris' name clearly showing on the screen as he called her. "Hey babe.... Okay I'll be round in a sec just at Harry's" She hung up her phone and unravelled the blanket around her, giving it back to me. "Chris is outside mine, same time tomorrow?" She stood up, wiping down her blue jeans.

"Yeah, if you're not too hungover" I stood up too, smiling brightly at her.

"Ha Ha very funny, I'm not going too hard tonight I promise. I've got a coffee date with Kira tomorrow at 12 anyway" She rolled her eyes and walked towards my bedroom window to climb back through. I followed behind her, stumbling slightly when getting back into my room. I walked her down the stairs to the front door, my housemates shouting goodbye to her from the living room. She sent them a polite goodbye back and opened the door. Chris was stood leaning on his car, parked in the shared parking spaces outside our houses. His black hair still with gel in the cold wind, his hazel eyes lighting up when he saw Rose.

"You alright Harry?" He waved cheerily at me.

"Yeah Chris, you okay?" I spoke with as much enthusiasm as I could.

"Yeah not too bad mate. You okay babe? Ready for a night of drinking" He smiled and winked at Rose. She laughed while walking to him, opening her arms for a hug.

"I guess but not too much alcohol please! I've got to be up early tomorrow" She mumbled to him while embraced in his arms.

"No problem princess, I'll see you later Harry! You have to come join us at the pub at some point" Chris let go of Rose and started to lead her to her door.

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