<•>We're just kids<•>

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<•>Author's POV <•>
10 years ago

Two kids were sitting on a small stone slab, the two of them looking deep into eachother's eyes with determination hidden somewhere behind their faces full of hidden stress and pain. They had been sat cross-legged for what seemed like days, but had just been mere hours. Time seemed to slow down when the two of them sat on this stone slab looking into each others eyes.

"Rock. Paper. Scissors... shoot!" A skinny boy with black bangs that covered the majority of his eyes shouted with a monotonous tone.

"You A L W A Y S win Kirishima. How do you do it? It's like you have some sort of tactic. Teach me. I NEED to know." A boy with green fluffy hair and emerald green eyes replied with an equally monotonous tone, but his voice quivered at the end. Showing the tiniest amount of emotion.

The black-haired boy seemed to notice this and frowned, but he shook it off knowing that if he asked he'd be greeted by the same old answer. 'It's nothing Kirishima. Trust me!' He was bored of that answer, but he didn't pry into the matter much longer.

"When do you think Bakugou will be back, Midoriya?" Kirishima asked, he looked down knowing Midoriya knew not any more than he did.

"I don't know, Kirishima. They said he'd be back by 4PM. It's around 3:41PM right now so, he should be back soon. Seriously, Bakugou's very strong, mentally and physically. He'll be fine!" Midoriya smiled widely. This made Kirishima smile back aswell.

The two young boys went back to their game of Rock Paper Scissors. The sheltered greenery of the lab, looking down on the boys and almost protecting them. The plants were a big part of the lab, all the doctors said to never hurt the plants and to preserve their beauty.

10 minutes later

The two boys had stopped playing Rock Paper Scissors by now and instead locked their beady eyes on the door. The huge metal door that stopped them from leaving the 'garden' and entering the lab where chemicals and substances were injected into their bodies.

"When will he be baaaaaack." Kirishima groaned in frustration.

As if on cue, the metal door opened to reveal a small boy with ash-blonde hair and ruby red eyes. The other two quickly shot up and ran towards the ash-blonde.

"I'm alive." He said flatly.

"That's obvious smarty-pants." Midoriya said calmly.

The three walked over to the stone slab and sat down. This stone slab was the only thing they particularly liked in the garden, it was almost like it was placed just for them by Mother Nature. Somehow this slab brought them peace they never knew they deserved. That was until of course a certain group of doctors and nurses walked up to them. At the front of the group a certain tall, skinny woman with ugly facial features and small mean eyes. Beside her, two huge men with muscles and military clothes stood very still.

"Hello, Eijirō, Izuku and, of course, Ba-ku-gou" she smiled sinisterly as her annoying voice made sure she said 'Bakugou' extra slow. "I have a surprise for all three of you! I'm taking you to a new lab, in that lab there are many other kids!" She said smiling, trying to act all innocent and sweet.

"Bullshit..." Bakugou murmured with a bitter tone. The woman didn't notice and quite frankly didn't care. She had the men put blindfolds on the boys and lead them through many metal doors and many long, pristine white corridors.

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