Enraging adventure

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We were now in a weird car/ship. It almost looks like a UFO from the outside from it's oval shape.

I sit in the back next to Morty, looking out the window. My earbuds plugged in as I listened to my playlist that is on shuffle.

I sighed, still staring out the window. Cassie and Morty's grandfather, Rick, were talking about science and shit.

I knew Cassie really smart, but smart enough to know all this galaxy and multiuniverse shit? Pretty impressive. Just don't know why she never told me.

I listened to their conversation, ignoring my music, unil I heard Cassie say my name. I take off one of my earbuds, to hear the music I was listening to blast in the car.

Do You Feel It? By Chaos Chaos is the song I'm listening to. I take off my other earbud.

"W-why yoy CHOose this s-song to listen to?" Rick asked, turning his head to glace at me.

I shrug my shoulders, not in the mood to talk. I didn't feel like talking to these assholes. Talking to retardes people made me irritates and enrages, and I didn't feel like speaking to any of them right now. I lay my head back on the car door, listening to the song.

"Jeez, Aspen, why so depressed?" Cassie laughed, pointing to my face. I growl, though it is low, so low where no one cam hear it. I am not depressed. I am pissed off. And she was making it worse.

"You miss your parents?" Cassie giggled.

I felt my heart drop. My eyes widened and I felt my nose tingle and my eyes well up with tears. Along with that feeling came a feeling of rage. It was burning and boiling inside of me. I narrowed my eyes at her. But they can't see it. I have my shades on.

I choose to stay silent, and not argue with her. She always gets like this whenever we are around new people. I guess she does it to try and impress them. Though it is a shitty thing to do as a friend.

"Say something, Aspen. Don't be rude." Cassie growls, snapping her fingers.

"Jeez. W-what a bitch." Rick burps.

"I know right!" Cassie laughs, they both laughed. Except Morty.

"H-hey... Rick is always rude, don't take it personal." Morty smiles, his hand on my shoulder.

I don't respond. I keepy my head facing out of thr window. I roll my eyes and take a deep breath, letting out a long sigh. I try and let the strong rage inside me calm down.

"Did you guys know Aspen lost her parents?" Cassie blurted out. "Such a shame." She said sarcastically.

The rage I was trying to calm down very quickly rised up as she said those words. I balled my fists again and gritted my teeth. I sat up, glaring at Cassie.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Cassie? How would you like it if your parents died right in front of you?" I snapped.

"Whatever. They sucked anyways." She laughed. "I'm glad they died."

The car went silent. Morty looked at me, wide eyes.

My eyes widened with surprise ans fresh hot rage filling me. My eyes were no longer welled up and blurred, but I saw red. I balled my fists so tightly they started to hurt, and I gritted my teeth to tightly I thought they might shatter.

I could only glare at her, I was fuming. I knew she was like this around strangers, but she has ever went this far.

"I'm going to fucking rip you apart and force your parents to watch you get gutted and beaten." I said very quietly. But I wasn't loud enougg for them to hear.

"What was that? Cat got your tongue? Speak up." Cassie sneered. She was looking back at me.

I grabbes my sunglasses and snatched them off my face. I threw them at her and tore my mask off. Now she could see. My eyes were not filled with tears like she had expected, but were filled with rage. I glared at her, staring deep into her eyes.

"I said, 'I'm going to rip you apart and force your parents watch you get gutted and beaten.'" Cassie stared back at me. Silence. The silence was only for a few seconds long, but it was like hours for everyone. But Aspen. All the pent up hidden anger and hate for Cassie that Aspen tried to hide for so long was finally showing up.

Cassis laughed, as if what Aspen sais was so hilarious and something she just couldn't take seriously.

I didn't hesitate. As soon as she finjsbed laughing and looked back at me, in one swift motion I grabbed her by her throat with both my hands. And mind you, my hands are big.

I was choking her.

I wasn't messing around. And I made sure she knes that.

I choked her hard, applying pressure on her windpipe. I glared into her eyes. Her eyes were wide with shock, surprise, and fear.

Morty was panicking, and Rick was staring at me.

"I told you to stop multipule times but you never fucking listen, do you!?" I let the anger in me build up more, and I choked her harder.

"DO YOU!?" I scream into her face. "You only keep me around so you can make fun of me in order to impress others! But nobody fucking cares about you! And I'll prove that once I kill you and nobody will notice you gone! I am the only person who will notice your absence! AND YOU KNOW THAT! YET YOU STILL CONTINUE TO TREAT ME LIKE SHIT!" I shake her violently, not easing my grip on her throat at all.

She is struggling to breathe. Her face is slightly turning purple. I could tell she was panicking, and the fear and mercy in her eyes. I could practically hear her begging for my forgiveness. Only because I am tired of her bullshit.

My eyes are filled with pure rage and hate. But I decide to show mercy, and I release my death grip on her throat.

She gasps for air, rubbing and massaging her now bruised neck. It takes her a few moments of breathing and messaging before she responds

"YOU ALMOST KILLED ME-" I glare at her again. Narrowing my eyes, cutting her short.

"What I did was wrong. And what you did was wrong. Now we're even." I say sharply, turning my gaze away from her and onto Rick, who seems nervous.

"How are we even!? You almost killed me!" Cassie protests, but I only glare at her again.

"Your words could have killed me. Who says I wouldn't have gone home and took my own life?" I respond, sitting back in my seat.

"But you wouldn't have. I know you wouldn't." Cassie says hoarsly.

"Did you think I would've nearly killed you by choking you with my own two hands? No? Okay then shut up and sit back down." I say coldy. No sympathy left in my voice. I lost my respect for her a long time ago.

It's silent for a minute. The tension building up.

"Take me home." I said blankly. No one replies. No one protests or says otherwise.

--time pass--

I layed flat on my bed. I wanted to scream, but I didn't.

I got up, grabbing my pocket knife from my desk. I pressed it against my wrist. Do it. A voice growled. I slid the knife across my wrist, opening my skin as blood seeped out.

I watched. I stared.

Kids like her will learn their lession the hard way if they didn't learn from the first first time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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