chapter two

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Hannah was nervous. Everyone could tell. The Marauders plus Phoenix and Hannah were sitting in the same compartment they always have been in since they met in first year.

Hannah looked around the compartment from her spot between the window and Sirius.

"Hey, guys I have something I want to tell you..."She said while messing about and bending her fingers back.

The others looked at each other before turning to her."What is it?"Sirius asked and gently placed his hand on hers to stop Hannah from hurting her fingers anymore.

"I-Its just that over the summer I figured out something, about my self," Hannah said nervously and resorted to messing with Sirius's fingers instead but he didn't mind.

Phoenix thought for a moment as Hannah had told her something and asked not to tell her brother even though James had tried many times to get it out of Phoenix.

"Wait is this what Phoenix and you refused to tell me when you came over?!" James somewhat yelled over Sirius at her. Hannah nodded with a small smile."Yeah actually" She said with a small smile before taking a shaky breath.

"OK here goes nothing."She muttered to herself."It's That I fancy boys...but also girls."Hannah stuttered out.

The lads looked shocked while Phoenix just sat there unfazed. Remus was the first one to speak up."That's not gonna change anything just like when you guys found out about me last year."He said smiling at her softly.

Remus was referring to halfway last year when they all- well more like Phoenix- put everything together and told Remus they figured out that he's a werewolf but they didn't care.

Peter nodded."Yeah your still the same even if you fancy girls too." he squeaked out while giving a sheepish smile in her direction which she returned.

This seems to snap Sirius and James out of some trance." nothings gonna change if anything we can now drool over girls together Vi."James said smiling brightly at her. Hannah laughed and nodded."Sure but I'm not gonna drool over Evans as you do."

Lily Evans where to start. In first year she was a lovely, nice and caring girl, that was until Hannahs sister, Lilith dragged her to hang out with her and her friends, but yet James Potter still feels the need to fancy her.

James laughed a little before Sirius spoke up."The moment Han Stares after Evans is the day I go to Azkaban."He said laughing and soon enough everyone in the compartment followed suit.

Later that night at dinner Phoenix and Hannah were sitting at the Gryffindor table talking when Lilith came over with her friends.

"Oh look at that the little queer that infected are family."Lilith spat with a smirk as she watches Hannahs face fall. Phoenix quickly wrapped an around her shoulder."Don't listen to her." she said and turned around to say something to Lilith but her brother beat her to it.

"If you know what's good for you you would walk away before anything else happens," James said scarily calm while glaring daggers at him.

Lilith backed down a little but glared at James and Hannah before storming back to the Ravenclaw table with her friends- well more like sidekicks following her like lost puppies.

Hannah stood up and wrapped her arms around James' waist and buried her face in his chest."Thank you jay."She muttered also trying out a new nickname.

James was shocked at first and didn't move for a moment before he hugged her back."It's not a problem and also Jay?" he asked laughing a little.

Hannah laughed and pushed him away which made him gasp dramatically and hold his chest." shut up I'm trying a nickname."They laughed again."Ok, I think I could get behind that."James said nodding.

Still at the table, Sirius watched the interaction with a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. He could feel eyes on him so he turned around and found Remus staring at him with a raised eyebrow. The way he felt could be read on his face.

It was a month into the school year and Sirius was having a crisis. He was running around the castle looking for Remus until he finial found him in the library with some people from their potions class.

"Remus! I need to talk to you."He said out a breath but didn't wait for a response before grabbing his wrist and dragging him behind a bookshelf."What the hell Sirius!" Remus yelled while rubbing his wrist.

"I think I fancy Hannah," Sirius said a little scared as he's never felt like this before.

Remus froze and looked at his mate with a shocked expression."Oh, when did you figure this out?" he asked as he watched Sirius started to pace around the space between the bookshelves.

"It was when Han and James were hugging at dinner and I felt weird but like now every time I look at her I just find myself smiling and thinking about how cute she is and how these little things I used to find weird or odd I now find adorable." Sirius said ranting about everything he's been bottling up for the past month." and I get really annoyed when other lads or girls flirt with her but shes just too...Hannah to see that."

Remus smiled softly at him and placed a hand on his shoulder."Hey, Sirius calm down."He said and Sirius did as he said."You could tell her how you feel or wait for the right moment? just don't wait around ok?" he said and removed his hand.

Sirius smirked at him."Oh so don't do what you're doing about your little crush on Phoenix?" he said laughing as Remus's face went bright red."Piss off Sirius." Remus said walked back to his table while his best friend is laughing his arse off.

Just like Sirius Hannah was running around the castle in search for her best friend. She found Phoenix talking to James and quickly grabbed her wrist."Phoenix! we need to talk."She said and dragged her off into the courtyard."Sorry, James, you can have your sister back later!" She yelled over her shoulder.

"what is it?" Phoenix asked her best friend as she noticed Hannahs on the verge of a mental break down."I-I have a crush on a girl from Hufflepuff!"She rushed out while going bright red.

Phoenix smiled softened and she hugged her friend."Hey, its fine and what her name?" she asked and pulled away.

Hannah laughed and answered"H-her names Britteny...shes so sweet and-and shes in her own world but just..."She trailed off with a dreamy sigh.

Phoenix laughed but nodded."Ok, but i think you should ask her out." she said with a shrug which made Hannahs's eye widen."I mean what's the worst that could happen."Phoenix continued."She could hear me!" Hannah exclaimed.

Phoenix shook her head."Just try it and don't bottle it up."

Suddenly Hannah thought of something."Like your crush on Lupin?" which resulted in her getting a hit on the head

Hey guys, sorry its taken me so long to upload but here it yeah

oh and also I listen to good for you from dear even Hanson and I reminds me of Sirius leaving. like his mum is Heidi and regulus is alana and jared and sirius is evan......just felt the need to share this

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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