Crosshairs x Tomboy!Reader

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{I'm in my naughty and dirty mood, so yeah-}

{Oh and there would be a lil bit of cursing so yeah-}

Third POV

You walked out of your class with your friend on your left, she keeps telling you stories about her and her boyfriend. "You should get a boyfriend, (Y/n)." She said all of the sudden after done telling stories about her boyfriend, earning a glance from you. "Uh...i don't know. Maybe not now..." you replied, biting the inside of your cheek gently. "Why? What's wrong? I can help you find one!" Your friend exlaimed but you just smiled at her softly. "Thanks (f/n), but i don't want to have one right now. You know me..." you waved your hand lazily at her. Earning a roll of eyes from your friend. "Yea..i know, you have too many guy friends than the girls.." she mumbled quietly.

"But do you like someone now?"

That word gets in you so deep, until you didn't even realized that a tint of red coated your cheeks. You were blushing. You avert your eyes, trying to look around to find something to look at. But your eyes went back to her anyway. But about that, yes you had liked someone. But not in this school. The person you liked was different. "Uhm..." you didn't have words that come out from your lips, instead you bit your own bottom lip. "Owwh~ who's the lucky person~?" your friend teased, a smirk planted on her lips.

"Nah, i won't tell you. Guess it yourself-" you said rapidly, clearing your throat as you both were out of the gate school now. (F/n) pouted at that. "C'mon, at least tell me what they look like-" you sighed. "Three? How's that?" You offered. Earning a nod from your friend. "Alright. It's a guy, he is more taller than your boyfriend, and he...usually wears all green and black.." you explained, blushing at the end of your own words.

"Taller? I thought my boyfriend is the tallest in the school." (F/n) said as her (e/c) eyes widened a bit. "Yea, i know he's the tallest. But trust me, he's taller than him." You said, a smug on your face. After a few minutes talking, your friend finally got home by her boyfriend giving her a home ride. You then called Bumblebee, he usually got nothing to do so that's why you called the yellow camaro to come to pick you up. But sometimes he would be busy doing something that made him couldn't come to pick you up, so Drift have to pick you up. And that day was making you feel uncomfortable. Because rarely a Bugatti like him comes to pick a school girl like you, and plus all eyes were on you and him. And even the girls was gossiping you the next day.

But after that, you didn't mind if Bee can't go to pick you up and the other bots have to. Because for some reasons after that happened, you like all eyes were on you in a positive way.

"Hey Bee? Could you pick me up from school?"

"I'm sorry- (Y/n). I can't- come- to pick- you- up. Cross-hairs- will pick- you-up."

"Why not Drift?"

"I don't want to- interrupt- his-meditation. Or he will kill me.."

"Wait what? Bee-"


The mech at the other side ended the call. You huffed as you crossed your arms. Sighing. You just decided to wait since you're not in the mood to walk home. A few minutes later, a loud car engine sounded not far away from you. Time to time, finally you can see the car clearly and the car parked near you. It was Crosshairs. Just like Bee told you before that the paratrooper will pick you up. All of the eyes move to look at Crosshairs' alt mode, and you sure you can hear those girls whispering some things about you and the mech. Those nasty girls.

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