chapter 1.1

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hi it's billie. that girl everyone thinks is the most ghosted one right?well here let me tell you my story . i'm bored so why not. i'm writing this here because i have nothing to do and everything is bothering me, my friend zoe takes pills to get high and she's fucked over. my boyfriend and i get in more fights and more things. here let's take a look at everything that's going on with me. some people still see me as that "girl" that one drunk and slumped off in that video. the one who let her best grind make her take a hit. and that girl on that site...that ruined me. just keep reading this.

i stand there still looking at her grave thinking everything over again . her ...she was my love my only true love and now everything's dark . i know i fucked up in the past and this past especially what happened. life's tragic and my life is horrible.   just as i was gonna squat i hear a buz and that feeling in my leg where my phone is in my pocket.

-yo i know you sad and shit and i'm sorry but let's go out ...please

i sigh and text back
-fine but only this one time. i don't know when ima recover...don't forget that what happened with billies death is tragic and we the only ones who know.

i turn my phone off and squat to leave a new rose on her grave. i then start to walk away looking back thinking how this year was all so fast. i met her at a party in march 2019 just few months before this all happened.
(this is all gonna be a flashback)

"yo that girl keeps looking at you huh?" my friend boyce tells me talking about that girl looking at me for a while and she is perfect i mean i ain't never seen someone like her and her friend i think zoe.

"i guess but she like out of my league you know..."i say and he laughs

"yeah right you would get with that girl for free" "i see when you be looking at her q" "and here's how u finna get her" he says and sips his whole drink down before putting his drink down and walking to her since her friend left left.

i put my drink down too to see what's gonna happen and i feel like he's gonna tell her ab me witch makes me nervous 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

he walks pass her but pushes her and i run to her and grab her

"WHAT THE FU-" she stops and we make contact .

"are you ok?"i tell her and she looks at me in shocked

"y-yeah thanks" she tells me

she stands straight "brandon" i shake her hand

"billie" she smiles and shakes back

"i know you prob go to the same school but just making sure" i chuckle and she smiles

"yep same school as you but i'm new..." she says

"ohhhh yeah prob heard of you " i say and she laughs

"you taken?" i say and her smile drops

"oh shit sorry i-" she cuts me off

"no" she says

"oh ight" i say. cmon brandon u just don't ask girls if they taken that fast...

she looks down in my pocket and sees my bottle of pills i got in there so i look away and my jaw clenched . i'm tryanna recover from pills so i'm sober but i only had two today and i fucked up bad and i know.

" take pills?" she breaks the silence and i look at her

"recovering...but i couldn't handle know " i say and she nods

"yeah i've been sober for a bit now" she says and i look at her eyes

"really?how long?" i question

"5 months" "yeah took some time and still is but it's good" she says "don't take more it's bad" she says and i smile

i start to drive to issaics house and see the light and shit . i got here at 8 so it's dark and i see a bunch of people outside and i bet there's a shit load inside.

i get off and go in and head music blast , prince runs to me "yooooo it's ya boy brandon adams!!" he shouts and everyone yells

i smile and look down while everyone chears. you know in some movies where the background of everyone gose silent well that happens to me here and there when i feel cool now. when everyone's cool with me. i haven't had this in a while so i just laugh

time later

i was outside when zoe that i thought was someone random and was lookin high and wasn't walking straight was coming down where i was but she wasn't good so i go to her before she passes out on the sument.

"holy shit you good" i say as i grabed her and can tell she's on sum and sum heavy.

"oh my god..brandon" she says and i look at her

"billies dead ok" she says "she is DEAD AND ITS YOUR FAL-" i cut her off


"you brought her back into pills " i tell her and she smacks me

"FUCK OFF Q" she says and walks away with her head pounding

i just go down into the floor and start to cry.i miss her ,why couldn't i be by her side why? i start to cry hard and loud since no one can hear me over this music and then everything gose by fast and my vision gose black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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