The auditions!

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~On the day of the auditions in the studio.I saw Leon standing in front of me but i walked to Diego.


Diego:Hey,Violetta!Are you nervous?

Vio:No why?

Diego:I taught maybe you're scared if you forget something,make a blooper,can't sing-

Vio:No i'm not nervous I'm really nervous!!

Diego:Sorry that's my fault,you need to think about how much you love to sing.And let others see you're passion.


Pablo:Violetta Castillo it's you're turn.

Vio:Oh gosh,wish me good luck.


~I walked through the stage and sang
'In My Own World'.After the song everyone applauded.And i walked of the stage.

Pablo:You did it really good Violetta!


~Fran and Cami walked over to me.

Fran:You did it amazing!

Cami:I'm sure soon i can say welcome to the studio!

Vio:Awhn that's really sweet of you guys!

~We hugged.

Fran:We're going to drink something are you coming with us?

Vio:Yeah later i'm going to grab my bag and diary out of my locker.

Cami:Okay see you in the park.

~I walked to my locker,grabbed my things but they felt on the ground.
And Leon helped.


Leon:No problem,you did it really great on stage.



Vio:Thanks,uhm..i need to go.

Leon:Uhm..yeah me to.


~I walked to the girls.

Cami:Aah there you are.

Fran:Let's sit.

Vio:Okay,what shall we talk about?


Fran:Violetta do you like Diego?

Vio:Yeah but as a friend.

Cami:Because it looked-

Vio:Don't say it.I'm still not over Leon,
I can't get him out of my head!

Fran:You're still soo in love.

Vio:But i don't want it and we can't be together.

Cami:Why?I mean you guys both love each other but don't want to be together?I don't get that.

Vio:Yeah if you talk like that it sounds so weird.

Fran:It is,i think Leon is the best for you.

Cami:No Diego is because Leon did hurt her.

Fran:Na ah people need to deserve a chance.

Cami:But you never give a chance to Marco.

Fran:Argh this goes about Violetta!

Cami:You can't deny it!
I know you better then 1 day!

Fran:You're so annoying leave me alone!





~They leave.

Vio:Girls wait i didn't finished my milkshake!

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