Chapter 1- We Meet

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"June bug will you please come and help me out with groceries?" my mom says in a sing song voice.

I heave myself off my bed and shut off my phone. I head downstairs as my head pounds due to lack of sleep.

"Well, don't you look happy," she says looking me up and down.

"I'm just tired that's all. Can we just go and get this over with?" I say in a nonchalant manner.

"Yes, your sister is coming with us too. Okay?" my mother asks while sighing at my reaction.

"Fine, let's just go," I say and head out the door.

Fast forward to when we're in line. "June bug will you go get me some tomatoes real quick? I forgot them." I look up from my phone to see my mom talking to me. I go quickly to get the tomatoes and rush back so they aren't waiting on me.

"Whatever." my sister says while rolling her eyes. I look up to see who she's talking to.

"Well then." I hear a lovely British accent respond. I look up to the owner of the voice, who happens to be our cashier, and see him holding back a laugh. I'm almost taken aback by how handsome he is. Gorgeous blue eyes that match perfectly with his silky brown hair, his hair styled in a fringe, and the best looking smile I had ever seen. I immediately started to blush. I look quickly at his name tag to see the name scribed on it. It read Louis Tomlinson. He notices me and gives me a smile that melted my heart.

"Carmen, what were you talking about?" I quickly snap at my sister after realizing how rude she was to the beautiful stranger.

"Nothing, Juney", she replies in an innocent voice.

"She's fine. We were just having a laugh," Louis remarks looking me in the eyes. He then smiles and I notice him whisper Juney to himself. Ugh I hated my nicknames. I have so many: June bug, Juney, Jewey, and even more. They were all cringe worthy, yet my family still continued to use them in public.

"What's your name?" Louis asks directing his attention towards me.

"Um, uh June," I quickly stutter cringing at my awkwardness.

"Nice to meet you Juney. What grade do you happen to be in", he asks using the nickname he had heard from earlier.

"I'm a senior at Hugh High School," I answer shyly avoiding his eyes as he continues to bag our groceries.

"Really, me too!" he exclaims wide eyed.

"Maybe I'll see you around then," I smile at him as he bags the last grocery.

"I hope," he says giving me a huge smile. My mom pays quickly and we are almost leaving when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Um, you dropped this," Louis says handing me a slip of paper. I quickly put it in my back pocket wandering what it could be since I didn't have any paper with me.

"Thank you," I say quickly as I blush.

"See you around Juney," he says with a shy smile.

"Bye", I call while running to catch up with my mom. I turn around one last time to see Louis checking out the next customer.

When we get in the car I check to see what Louis had handed to me. I almost do a double take when I notice the ten digit number with a "call me" written right next to it. My mom looks over as I'm smiling like an idiot. "What's that" she asks looking at the note.

"Um, just a note from a friend," I say while quickly putting his number in my phone.


"I was too shy to text him. He wouldn't like me anyways", I say as me and best friend leave my locker to go to the cafeteria.

"Obviously he does if he gave you his number", Krista says as she punches me on the shoulder.

"Sure", I say as we sit down at our usual table.

"Hey guys!" acknowledged Krista's and I's best friend Jazmine.

"Hey girly." I reply as I pull my sandwich out from my beaten up lunchbox that I desperately needed to replace.

"June's got a boyfriend, she is absolutely in love with him," Krista says in a sing songy voice.

"No I don't. This guy just gave me his number." I state while taking a
bite into my sandwich.

"Oh, is he cute?" Jazmine asks while smirking at me. Before I can answer her I feel someone poke my back. I turn around quickly and there I see Louis standing right in front of me.

"Hi, babe," addressed Louis as he sat down right next to me. I hear Krista and Jazmine squeal and I immediately blush.

"Uh, hi Louis", I sputtered trying to get the words out.

"So you got my number right", he asks while taking a bite out of his apple. I nod my head to show him that I had.

"Well, why didn't you text me?" he questions while taking another bite. He was so confident. I was just an awkward mess. If I had texted him I know I would've screwed something up.

"I don't know. I guess I was a bit nervous." I reply truthfully. "Nothing to be nervous about babe", he remarks finishing off his apple. I love the way he calls me babe and how he could say anything and it would still make me blush.

"I'll text you tonight," I answer with all the confidence I could muster. He smiles noticing my nervousness.

"Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school?" he asks looking a bit nervous.

"Sure, I'd love to", I manage to say.

"Cool text me your address and I'll see you at 5." he picks up all his stuff and starts to leave. Before he leaves he winks at me and gives me a smile.

"So much for not being your boyfriend," I over hear Jazmine whisper.


Hi! Wow I'm really nervous to post this but here it goes. I'm Julia and I love the boys so much so yeah here you go! I'll post a new chapter whenever I get a few reads but it's already done! I really hope you guys enjoy!

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