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My sleep that night was restless, and the next morning, I couldn't seem to get up. Having him compare me to his late wife hurt more than I expected. Seeing him display an emotion other than anger hurt more than expected, too. Toeing the line between pleasure and pain was usually so easy for me, but with him, there was no line. It was both, at all times.

When the sun was high in the sky, I knew I had to get up but I didn't want to see him just yet. A desperate desire for caffeine finally pulled me from my sheets.

I walked out to the main room and Matthew had his siblings organized with towels, ready to leave. "Oh, hey. We're going to grab food from downstairs, then go up to the pool. After we wait 20 minutes, of course."

"That's not a real thing," I told him. "Just give me a minute to get dressed and I'll go with you."

"We're kind of tired of waiting on you so . . . I think we'll just go. You should get more sleep. You look like you need it." He smirked as if proud of his cutting remark.

"Do you have the room key?"

"Yes," he showed it to me.

"And money for breakfast?"

"Yes," he insisted with a hiss. "We've been here for five days, Aubrey, we know how this works."

"Okay," I gave in. "Be careful and don't let the twins out of your sight or in the pool until I get there."

"I know."

"Did you bring sunscreen?"

"Oh my God, goodbye!" Matthew walked out with the twins, the little ones laughing and waving to me as they did.

I closed the door behind them, happy to know they would be spending time together. Watching them seem so carefree—so opposite to the way I felt the night before—reminded me why I decided to take this job in the first place.

As I changed clothes, the smell of coffee called my attention. With my tiredness nagging, I felt thankful to have a pot that brewed itself each morning. I pinned back my unruly hair and went back to the kitchen. After a few sips, I meant to return to what I was doing, but I stopped myself. I poured a second cup, grabbed some items from the cabinets, and made my way to Augustine's room.

I knocked timidly on the door but heard no reply. After letting myself in, I was surprised to find him awake, sitting up while working on his laptop. His hair was damp from a shower, his chest was bare, as was the bent leg that protruded from beneath the sheets. Augustine naked in the morning was one of my favorite treats, but I wasn't sure if I had the taste for him after last night.

I stared at him while he continued to ignore my presence. The anxiety crawled over my skin. "I brought you some coffee."

He looked up at me, giving me a once-over. "Lovely. Thank you."

He reached for it as I walked toward him and smiled when the cup met his hand. He took a drink and hummed with pleasure. "You're less hungover than I expected after last night."

He grinned. "Don't trust me to hold my liquor?"

I dropped the saucer onto the nightstand with a loud clang, making him wince and clutch at his temple. "I brought you aspirin too."

His glare was betrayed by the smile at the corner of his mouth. "Thank you again." I handed him the pills and he took them with a swig of water. A ping called his attention back to his computer.

"The kids went to breakfast." He sat down his coffee and began typing. "They plan to go to the pool afterward if you want to get ready and join them." I leaned a hip against the bed and sipped my coffee, waiting for him to respond.

The Widower (18+) | [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now