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"I'm a little bit nervous i've never had anything up
me poop shoot Shawn" Liam Payne cried to shawn over the phone. "Calm down liam it's gonna be fine Q already said he's bringing four bottles of lube." shawn reassured liam. "alright mate i'll see you when you get here." Liam hung up the phone and stared at himself nakedly in the mirror. He started to give himself a pep talk when his doorbell rang. "coming mate." Liam rushed to the door with sweaty palms. "Sup bro." Justin bieber was standing outside of Liams apartment wearing a cute little tank top that said swag on it. "wow you look fit luv" liam gasped at how sexy justin looked. justin swaggily hopped into liams apartment. Liam and justin then awkwardly sat on liams floor for like ten minutes because liams couch got taken away a few days before that by rent a center. "so do we start making out then?" liam walked his fingers towards justin. "dude i'm not gay no" justin became disgusted and scooted away from
liam. "bruv you're at a gay orgy what are you on about?" liam became concerned. "ok and? just because i like to have another mans penis in my anal cavity does not mean i'm gay, i don't do kissing strictly anal." justin said condescendingly as if liam should've already known. another awkward 10 minutes went by when there was a knock on the door. "i'll get it." justin sang. he opened the door to see nick jonas naked with shawn mendes on his shoulders. "hi!" nick sang high pitched. "sup come on in." justin ushered them inside. the four men sat nakedly on liams floor for 30 minutes and nobody said a word until the silence was broken by a ringing doorbell. Liam hopped up and sprinted as fast as he could to the door. he opened the door and there stood brian quinn with three bottles of lube in his hands and one between his legs. "hey mustache wassup" Q said awkwardly. "ello mate come on in" liam grabbed Q by his nose and pulled him inside. so here they were again sitting on liams hardwood floor which made their buttcheeks ache and shiver. all of a sudden a loud bang happened and michael carbanaro (the great magician) appeared in a cloud of smoke. "MIKE!!" the men screamed in unison. "hey guys look what's in this hat." michael pulled out a top hat and instead of pulling out a bunny rabbit he pulled out a big black silicone dildo that vibrates and rotates that he bought on amazon for $15. "WOAH MICHAEL YOURE SO AWESOME AND COOL." liam nearly came at the sight of michael holding that sillicone penis. "thank you lia- wait i think you have something behind your ear." michael reached behind liams ear and pulled out a very small green dildo that he bought from wish for .50 cents because he was the first person to buy it that day so he got it on sale. once again they all sat on the floor nakedly before liam broke the tension and said in a high pitched voice. "sooooooo what's your guys favorite color." then michael immediately jumped onto liam and started humping him without saying a word while everybody silently watched on liams hardwood floor with no furniture. lukas graham then burst in singing "once i was 27 years old i had a gay orgy" with more fucking butter smeared on him. "lukas i thought we told you not to come." shawn said sassily and nick snapped his fingers in a z motion. "guuyyyssss:(((i'm sorry miss jackson." "oo i am for reaaalll." liam then sang. and then they all broke out into a huge musical that went on for four hours. and 1500 people showed up to watch. they were in the middle of a musical number when the music stopped and they all screamed in unison. "ED!!" so they all ran outside nakedly and jumped into liams gross old minivan that smelled like ball sweat and tears because he had previously been living there because his house had been taken away by rent a center. it took about 20 minutes for the van to finally start because liam had recently been scammed by paul scalf and his engine had been replaced by a lawn mower engine and he had to start the car by pulling a string like you do with a push mower. but once it finally started they rode VERY slowly like they could have walked faster down to the prison. but before they got there the van broke down on the highway. "what the fuck liam." justin got angry. "don't worry lads." liam then got out and took the bottom of the van out. "we have to all run together so the van can move." liam said. "like the flinstones?" q asked. "yes like the flinstones." liam sighed and became ashamed. "you were in one of the biggest boy bands in the world and you can't afford a new car?" michael asked concerned. "shut the fuck up michael." liam started to whimper and turned away from everyone embarrassed. "cmon liam they were just kidding." shawn and nick said in unison trying to reassure liam. so then they all started running as fast as they could synchronized like they were in the flinstones. after 4 days of pushing the car they finally arrived at the prison where ed sheeran was being held. "finally!" they all once again screamed in unison and fell out the van. they rushed into the prison. shawn and nick ran up to the secretary and asked in UNISON sassily  "where the fuck ed at?!" "um i think he's being executed right now." "AHHHHHH" they all screamed and ran throughout the prison looking for him synchronized. finally liam stumbled upon where ed was being held. he screamed in horror as he watched ed sheeran be electrocuted repeatedly. "STOP" they all screamed in synchronized unison. they bust through the door and grabbed ed who was VERY confused and staticky. "what the hell are you twinks doing?!" the executioners yelled. "sorry fellas we need him for an orgy." justin said. "oh okay sorry i didn't know it was for an orgy, just promise to bring him back." one of the executioners said. "really?!" liam asked. "bitch no" the executioners then unzipped revealing that he was a rent a center employee. "FUCKKKKK" liam screamed as he grabbed ed and ran out. all the other guys followed him being chased by the rent a center employees. they got into liams broken van and started running. "what the hell happened back there?!" shawn asked liams VERY concerned. "i'm wanted by rent a center in 7 different states and all of europe." liam answered panting because he was tired of running the van. "well i think we lost em." nick said looking back. then all of a sudden the rent a center guys pulled out on liams couch that they took away a few days ago using it as a vehicle. "SHITTT" lukas screamed and they all picked up speed. this low speed chase went on for 4 days until they safely made it back to liams house and sprinted inside. they all made it in safely and locked the door. they all panted and looked at each other breathing a sigh of relief nakedly because they finally lost the rent a center guys. then all of a sudden the door crashed down and the rent a center employees burst in with  guns. "everybody get on the ground and put your hands on your heads!" the employee. all the men dropped to the ground scared. the rent a center employee then only shot ed in the shoulder and knees then left. "ED ARE YOU OKAY???!!!" lukas shouted after they left. "whose there?" ed asked confused and in pain because he had no idea what happened at all because he is blind. "oh my god he's bleeding somebody call the ambulance!!"  the men frantically tried to stop the bleeding until the ambulance finally showed up. the paramedics burst through the door and guess who it was. john travolta and steve buscemi. "john what the hell are you doing here we all filed restraining orders against you from last time." justin angrily shouted. "guys guys guys calm down i'm a paramedic now i'm here to save ed." john reassured everyone. "and me and steve know just what to do!" he and steve buscemi then both pulled down their pants and slapped ed sheeran in the face with their tiny chodes that were way too hairy and had warts. "oo ouch what's all this mates?" ed asked still very confused. "what the fuck are you guys doing?!" shawn and nick asked in unison. "we thought you guys ordered strippers?" john said confused. "um no ed sheeran is dying on the ground." lukas said angrily. "wait so you mean to tell me this isn't a bachelor party?" steve cut in. "get out now!" justin attacked them. "jeez sorry" steve and john were pushed out of the door. after waiting for 10 excruciating minutes finally the real paramedics showed up."everybody out of the way we need to get him to the hospital now!" the first paramedic said. "we won't have time we have to do what we can here to save him!" the other paramedic said frantically. then the two paramedics picked him up and put him on a stretcher until they were stopped by a loud bang. "ITS FUCKING RENT A CENTER!!" justin screamed. the rent a center employees then grabbed the stretcher ed was on and threw him off of it. "sorry fellas you missed your payment." then they left with the bloody stretcher. "aw man:( that sucks that they did that" the paramedic said. "you know what would make this situation better?" the other paramedic said to everyone. "what" they all said. "AN ORGY!!" then both of the paramedics unzipped their costumes revealing that it was steve buscemi and john travolta all along. "GOD DAMN IT" michael yelled. "guys please just let us be in your orgy." john got on his knees and begged them. "um no you guys are old and have hairy chodes with warts on them why would we ever let you be apart of this?" shawn said sassily and nick snapped his fingers in a z formation. "guys come on we can just watch in the corner please you won't even know we're here." steve alzo pleaded. "um mates i think i'm dying..... i'm getting a bit dizzy."ed said muffled because he was face down on the ground. "shit we forgot about ed again" justin said. "guys hold on i've got it." michael then snapped his fingers and ed stopped bleeding and stood up. "OH MY GOD HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" liam yelled. "i'm magic teehee hee" michael smiled. "finally we can get to the orgy." just said relieved. and so they did. nick and shawn took the bed and started everybody else when, you'll never guess what happens, they were interrupted by another crash through the door. rent a center then came in and took the bed they were laying on and left and they had to have the orgy on the cold ground while john and steve watched through the windows. the end

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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