Chapter 3: School

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When I woke up the cloudy Monday morning, I shivered with nervous energy. I had not gone to school sense I was eight. Schooling outside the legion stopped once the child was worthy of joining, and after I was not allowed to go train with Lupa, it was odd jobs to help my mom. Now I'm here to start my first day of middle school at a real school in New York. Pine Heights Public School held much in store for me. Luckily I was set academics wise, Annabeth reviewed the stuff I'd need with me yesterday. I knew there was a few demigods there, two campers and three unknown. I would join them for the rest of the school year, and then I would help bring the demigods to camp. That was the plan anyway, assuming someone didn't get eaten by a loose hellhound or chimera.

I got dressed in one of the best outfits Annabeth chose for me. It was a black floaty sort of shirt, light washed jeans, and black Nikes. I brushed out my long, almost black hair until it fell in imperfect waves past my shoulders. I did a little natural makeup, something I never do except on special occasions. I looked in the mirror and saw that I looked sort of pretty. Huh, never really looked in the mirror much back home. In New Rome, it wouldn't do me much good to look super pretty. People would treat me like I was gross, a filthy sewer creature. On that cruel note, I headed downstairs.

Percy made breakfast that day, no wonder it was just toast and fried eggs. It was good though, and I was ready to head to school. First, though, I had to pack the important supplies. Folders, notebooks, pens, pencils, a binder, a book, twenty dollars to give the lunch lady, twenty dollars just in case, a little sketchbook so I can draw if I want, and a small celestial bronze dagger just in case I run into something. I'm all set,! I grab my grey backpack and get in the car.

PHMS is not a big school, especially for New York, but I blend in easily. Walking through the halls, no one notices the new girl. I'm one of three hundred students, and I sort of hide away. I got the schedule ahead of time, and found my locker relatively quickly. I just put my notebooks inside. The school had a tight budget, so the textbooks were the same for every class and therefore I didn't have to lung a heavy-ass stack of books around. Walking to homeroom, I noticed how everyone was so... mortal. It was weird being around so many people withought god in their blood. Then. I sensed a demigod-ish feeling. I moved twards the low scent. Who I saw suprised me.

The girl was confident and bold. She was black, with cornrows right past her shoulders. Weaved in the braids were streaks of purple and green. Her outfit matched, a purple shirt and a black jacket with green stitching. She held a notebook with the name "Sara Lestone" on the cover in big letters. I took notes in my head, maybe she was an unclaimed demigod. Walking past her, I navigaited myself to homeroom, where I basically did nothing. Now I realized why so many internet memes and other things are about how awful school is. This is tedious, boring, and I'm not learning anything at all.

By lunch I was tired, bored, and wondering why school must be so awful when learning new things naturally makes humans happier. (A/N Are demigods considered humans??) Working back to back shifts at the old, run down coffee shop back in new Rome was better than this. Twelve days, then I will be claimed and taken out of this place. Ten days more of this.

There was students eating in the courtyard and quad, the hallways were a loud mess, the air smelled like no one knew how to shower. I spotted that girl, Sara, eating lunch with a perky redhead and a turquoise haired girl in the courtyard. "Maybe I could sit with them!" I whispered under my breath. I was, naturally, nervous.

I made my way over to where they were sitting, in a grassy patch surrounded by dead grass. In the center of the courtyard was a large pine tree, hence the schools name (Pine Heights Middle School). As I got closer, I picked up that godly aura again, stronger this time. The other girls were definitely demigods.

The red haired girl was talking to the others about something, and while I didn't was to interrupt I also wanted to make a couple friend-ish people. So I tapped the girl on the shoulder.

"Hey, um-" I nearly choked on the words "can I maybe sit here? I'm new."

The redhead looked at me a little funny, but the blue haired girl smiled. "Sure. There's an empty spot next to me. I'm Isla, by the way." She pronounced it like "eye-lah".

The readhead whispered something in Sara's ear, but Sara whispered back "So? She seems okay." loud enough for me to hear. Then she turned to me and said: "I'm Sara. This icy ginger is Alexa. He's not here today, but our other friend is named Charlie, and you'll meet him tomorrow."

"I'm Elle."

The rest of lunch period was sorta strange, but I figured it was because I'm new. Alexa was not very trusting of me, and almost mean, even though she probably wasn't trying to be. Sara was as outgoing as my first impression of her, but also more relaxed, contradicting her bright, fun clothes. And Isla was so funny and surprisingly smart. She talked about Charlie a lot, and it turns out he was basically her boyfriend, even though it wasn't official.

The rest of the day was also mind numbingly dull and I wish not to bore you with the details. But after school while I was walking to the exit down the hall, some one grabbed my arm.

It was Alexa.

"You are the Jackson kid, right?" She asked me in a quiet voice. I nod. "Okay then. You should know, I'm a daughter of Nemesis, Isla is a daughter of Hermes, Charlie is probably a son of Hecate (he turns 13 in June), and Sara is a daughter of almost certainly Aphrodite. Charlie and Sara are the two who not know the gods are real. Okay?" I nod again. "Good."

Alexa lets go of my arm and puts in AirPods. I take a brief look at her phone to see she's listening to a singer called Girl In Red. Anyway, I walk out of the building,

I don't really remember the afternoon. I was tired. From what I can tell, I was asked lots of questions and I could hardly answer them before falling asleep on the couch.

Authors note: I'm sorry for the lazy ending, but I'm tired myself and going to bed. Anyway I will probably update soon (I mean I said that last time and it's been months, but still)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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