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Carrie N White was FINALLY fitting in at a school! Ever since she went nuts and destroyed her school and killed her mom and she moved with her grandmother to Derry Maine she finally feels like she belongs!

She has a group of friends even! They call themselves the Loser's Club. Which is ironic because Carrie used to be a loser.

Carrie has learned to control her powers far more better now. She uses them for self-defense. Which, nobody has attacked her so she hasn't in awhile.

Carrie was in her last class with Richie Tozier, the class clown. But in that class was also, Henry Bowers, a deranged boy who seemed very violent. He was glaring at Carrie while the teacher went on and on teaching. Richie asked him "Hey Henry you got a problem? Stop fucking looking at Carrie"

Henry laughed "Shut up fag, no one asked you"

Carrie ignored the boys and contuined her work.

After the class was over her and Richie walked out together to meet up with the rest of the Losers. Richie sighed "Henry was paying more attention to Carrie than his work" he said.

A redhead girl named Bev laughed "He doesn't pay attention to his school work anyways."

Bill, a boy who stuttered's face turned worried "H-he m-might try and h-hurt y-you C-carrie."

The Losers walked out of the school. Carrie saw Henry standing by Belch's car. He winked at her and she shuttered.

"I'll be fine Bill, I'm not a bitch to be fucked with" Carrie said.

Eddie, Richie's boyfriend put his hand on her shoulder "Be safe" he said.

Carrie sighed "I'll be okay Eddie calm down"

The Loser's said their goodbyes and Carrie started walking to her grandmother's place.

But it wasn't long before Carrie saw Belch's car speed past her then stop and reverse back to her and stop. Henry got out and smiled.

"Well hello Miss White" he said "Or should I say, Miss Bloody Pig"

Carrie cringed at the nickname she felt her angry rise but she calmed down.

"Shut up Henry I want nothing to do with y-" Carrie was cut off because Henry grabbed her throat.


Carrie knew she was getting scared and angry... A bad combination. She tried pushing her feelings down so she could fight fair. But she couldn't. She felt Henry's grip get tighter and she used her powers to throw him into Belch's car, denting it.

"You fucking freak-" he tried saying but Carrie slammed him into the car 4 times with her powers. He was knocked out....

Carrie started running. She ran until she got to the kissing bridge. She saw the forest and she jumped down. She ran/fell down the hill until she got to the river. She looked for a place to hide and calm down.

She saw the tunnels, so she ran there.

Carrie wandered through the tunnels. Trying to calm down. She hoped she didn't kill Henry....

She stopped dead in her tracks...

She saw a clown standing in front of her...

He grinned at her "Hiya Carrie" he said gigging.

Carrie's eyes went wide. "H-how do you know my name?" She asked.

The clown giggled "Oooh... I've heard about you Miss Prom Queen, you and your little gift given to you by your grandmother...." he replied

Carrie's heart stopped for a second... She slowly backed up but the clown gently grabbed her hands

"Shh.. Don't be afraid... I'm not gonna hurt you like they did. Poor Little Carrie... Don't worry, Pennywise'll take care of you-" he said

"P-pennywise?" Carrie said, the clown smiled "Yes that's my name, Carrie meet Pennywise, Pennywise meet Carrie"

"What do you want?" Carrie asked him. Pennywise put is pointer finger on her lips.

"I want you to be mine Carrie"

"Carrie, Meet Pennywise" Where stories live. Discover now