Forest Clan (1)

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With a leap, I soared through the air, spreading my fingers wide. With my target approaching, I open my tail and prepare to land. With a *thud* I hit the tree and crunch down on the juicy beetle. With this, I head back to my Clan that is known as "Forest Clan." This beetle and others that I have found will be used for the elders and hatchlings. The Claws are our trained warriors, usually doing hunting and patrolling for dangers. Elders are the oldest of geckos that can no longer take care of themselves, so we help them. Queens are the mothers of a clutch, they used to be Claws.

As I climb up our home tree I am greeted by clicks and scratches. With the first catch of the Light, I proudly walk up and leave my catch in the center of the hollow. One of the hatchlings comes over, with big amber eyes he asks " Why don't we hunt flys, or spiders WindScale? Only those darn beetles that we eat every light." Thinking for a bit, I am about to reply when my mate RiverClaw interrupts with, '"Only geckoes with scales can hunt spiders, and even then they sometimes bite back. Buzzers are a good catch but are hard to grab without crashing. Unless you'd rather be a frog?" At this she walks off, leaving me with the fidgeting kid. After she is out of sight, he runs to his mom and screams "SPIDER!!" This creates a ruckus as they all think it is a Diamond Death spider. Soon after you see him prancing about with a grin on his face while the Claws and queens growl. This reminds me of a meeting we must have, and will also break up the soon to be fight.

While settling on a higher, yet see-able branch, I call out "Scales and Skin, we are one and the same, Queens and Claws are equal in this game of life. Gather around to hear your leader speak!" Scaled heads all turned this way, while Elders peek over their branches to listen. Even the reclusive healer looks out from her ferns. As the last pair of eyes settle on me, I begin to speak. "We have collected a great bounty this Hot Leaf, and expect even more to come." This got heads bobbing In happiness. "But we are in danger, as more of these beetles come, more and more trees die, and are felled by the winds. Eggs are cooking in the suns heat, but are freezing in Snow. We must find a new forest to live in, and soon, before we end up like these trees." The crowd was silent, suddenly there was a gush of wind, and the tall tree that had been there for generations, toppled over with a loud crash and the snapping of branches. The healer cried out in anguish, then yelled out "It is a sign! This forest is doomed, and unless we can get away, we are too!" No one else had seen her vision, where thousands of geckoes were caught in its branches and crushed below its weight. This caused an uproar and geckoes called out from all around. "What shall we do?" "This is my home!"

"ENOUGH!!" I called out. "We will leave when the time has come, but only when a sign has been sent to us from the Wisdoms!" These were the best of the geckoes. Rumor was that ElderTail had been the smartest and nicest gecko so far, and that he had created the Wisdoms when he died. Where geckoes went when they were pure of heart and soul. Only the healer was touched by these beings, possibly even some very special geckos.

"For now, we will continue the day as always. Never forget that the Wisdoms watch us from the Stars!" Yips of happiness echoed around. "Today the Sheriff will lead the hunting party, be on the lookout for anything new or strange!" With a grumbling party the sheriff set out to collect geckos. He called on two Claws and their apprentices. "ClawTooth! OwlEye! come here for a hunting party." A brown gecko with bright yellow eyes appeared and the other green gecko with white stripes popped out. "Can we bring our apprentices for training today?" "Of course ClawTooth." Now another gecko popped out from the branches, while another hung upside down by his tail. They were SnakePaw and MudPaw. "We can come too?" They questioned. "Yep!" "Yay! We can go hunting!' They squealed. Now they all walked out of the entrance into broad daylight, heading for the Glider branch. Perfect for taking off at. "Ready hatchlings?" The sheriff asked. "Were heading for the Beetle Grounds, past the Feathers."

The hunting party had been gliding for a while now, each tree led them closer to the feathers and the beetles. "Look out!" Cried OwlEye. A giant crow swooped in to try and eat the little geckoes. "Caaaawww! Caaww!" More crows started to gather on the treat of a nice little gecko.

"Run for it hatchlings!" They started to do gliding acrobatics, swirling and swooping as not to get eaten. The ever observant OwlEye looked around and wondered, "Why are there so many birds? There have never been this many before at one time." One of the crows looked hungerly at her, with blood-red eyes.

After the attack with the birds, all the geckos were now in beetle territory. "Here we are, try and get as many beetles as you can. Be extra careful and come back if you notice anything else strange." "Yes Sheriff!" They squealed. All the geckoes took off to go hunting except for sheriff, who stood watch for any birds. Looking up to see the sun high in the sky, he sighed. "This Light was not a good one, and if this keeps up, we won't survive for very much longer."

With a full bounty of beetles the geckos headed back under the cover of night. It was eerily quiet tonight, the only sound the scraping of claws and scales as they leapt from tree to tree. When they returned to camp, they're catch of twenty or so was dumped in the middle. Since the beetles were considerably large, reaching a whole tail length at times, this would probably last the clan two to three days. Now was time to perform the nightly ritual of good harvest. All four geckos now thumped their tails and paws on the ground, starting it off.

THUMP THUMP rat tat tat THUMP... tappity tap, raprap CLAP!

Surrounding them now stood the rest of the clan as they awakened from their slumber. Singing began with the same rhythm still going.

"Thank you, Wisdoms! For the bounty of the Light!...Every night, You break the darkness with the stars..Protect us, with the moon of white. With this blessing we shall move on, living out our lives for you! For our souls are pure and Bright!!!

Each geckos eyes now turned a bright white if deemed pure. Now that that was done, the moon shone through the hole in the canopy to light the clearing up with bright silver light. Everyone payed ther respects to the rest and went to sleep. Only the medicine gecko and leader stayed behind.

"Have you seen any signs tonight healer?" The healer sternly replied with a "No."

"Good, tonight we will sleep well. Goodnight to you." "Goodnight WindScale."

She had kept the newest sign secret. It showed that the moon and stars were gone, leaving a completely black sky. The beetles had turned a deep crimson, while all those around her had empty soul-less eyes. Deeply frightened by this and unwilling to scare the others, she had kept it to herself. Heading back to her den she checked the left side to see that the tree had been carved out for an extra room. She didn't know why, but had asked for it when she had the urge to do so. Shrugging, she crawled inside the herbery and curled up with the comforting smells of the medicinal plants around her.

That night, she dreamt of a perfectly healthy forest where it would be perfect to live.

(c)Dragonluvr9517 1-19-13 ---> 1-20-13


Based off of Warriors series! Just with geckoes instead. If you have any good ideas or notice errors that I made, let me know! I love warriors so much that I call kittens kits, momma cats queens, and believe that when I die I will either go to StarClan or be re-born as something :)

Does anyone have good ideas on covers for my books?

Travel of the Geckoes-First LightWhere stories live. Discover now